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Agmt 2006 SLPOA
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2006 SLPOA
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1/23/2007 4:22:40 PM
Creation date
1/23/2007 4:22:36 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2006-116
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<br />work related injury or other non-work related cause, for a period that exceeds 30 consecutive <br />days, the five percent (5%) differential will cease. The differential will be reinstated when the <br />handler returns to full duty and is functioning as a K -9 team. The differential will also cease <br />after 90 consecutive days should the dog not be able to work due to an injury or other medical <br />reasons. During the time the officer and dog are assigned and perform in the program, the City <br />will provide a monthly maintenance allowance of two hundred dollars ($200.00) as <br />reimbursement for housing, taking care of and feeding the dog. In the event the dog cannot work <br />due to an injury or other medical reasons, the maintenance allowance shall continue for a period <br />up to ninety (90) calendar days from the date of the dog's disability. If it is medically determined <br />during this ninety (90) day period that the dog will not be able to return to full duty, the <br />maintenance allowance shall cease as of the date of such determination. <br /> <br />Police Officers acting in the capacity of Field Technicians shall be paid an additional thirty <br />dollars ($30.00) per day, while performing that duty. <br /> <br />Police Officers acting in the capacity of Field Training Officer (F.T.O.) shall be paid an <br />additional thirty dollars ($30.00) per day, while performing that duty. <br /> <br />Police Officers utilizing bilingual skills shall be paid an additional thirty dollars ($30.00) per day <br />while performing that duty. Bilingual skills shall be those certified by the Chief of Police as <br />necessary to the operation of the Department and confirmed by an appropriate testing process. <br /> <br />Section 9. <br /> <br />Application of Pay Rates <br /> <br />Employees may be assigned to perform the duties of a permanent pOSition in a higher <br />classification on a temporary basis. Such assignments shall be termed "acting assignments" and <br />shall be made subject to the following conditions: <br /> <br />(1) acting assignments shall be made by the Police Chief only, with City Manager approval, <br />and shall be made prior to the beginning of the shift and with written notification to the <br />acting employee; <br /> <br />(2) acting assignments shall be made only in those instances where the acting employee will <br />be responsible for the performance of the full range of duties of the higher classification <br />for not less than one (1) full workday; <br /> <br />(3) acting pay shall be that certain step in the salary range of the higher classification, which <br />generates an increase above the acting employee's current salary of not less than five <br />percent (50/0). <br /> <br />Nothing in this section shall preclude the temporary assignment of an employee to perform some <br />of the duties of a higher classification for the purpose of providing training in the work of the <br />higher classification. Such temporary training assignment shall not constitute acting assignment <br />within the meaning of this section. <br /> <br />It is understood that the above provision shall not be interpreted as requiring the City to fill each <br />temporary vacancy by an acting assignment. <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />SLPOA 07 Final <br />
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