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<br />l\UNUTES <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-July 7,2003 <br /> <br />Page 10 <br /> <br />MlS/C Stephens and Grant. Ayes: 6; Noes: 0; Absent: 1 (Glaze) <br /> <br />8.G. Resolution Endorsing Alternative 1 (Beatrice Street Traffic Signals), with Alternative 4 <br />(Beatrice Street Traffic Signals with a Double Left Turn Lane at Northbound <br />W ashington Avenue) as a Potential Future Phase, as the Preferred Configuration for <br />Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority (ACTIA) Project No. 11, 1- <br />880/W ashington Avenue Interchange Improvements for Measure B 2000 Capital Funds, <br />Project 144-39-007 (provides City endorsement of a preferred configuration which <br />allows project funding and design to proceed). (2930) <br /> <br />Councilmember N ardine noted this is an issue which has generated a great deal of <br />public concern, and she requested a staff report to describe the process staff used for <br />selection of Alternative 1. Councilmember Nardine commented that since Vice Mayor <br />Glaze was very involved in the issue, he should also be present to comment. She stated <br />she would not vote on the matter until the Vice Mayor could also vote on it. <br /> <br />Councilmelnber Stephens asked if there is time sensitivity in approving the matter <br />tonight. Mr. Udemezue responded there is time sensitivity for CalTrans and suggested <br />the Council take action on the matter prior to the August recess. <br /> <br />Mr. Udemezue gave a PowerPoint presentation describing the project, its history and the <br />community involvement and input in the determination of the recommended alternative. <br /> <br />Mayor Young asked if CalTrans would be ready to proceed with design work if the <br />Council approved the item on July 21 and asked when the neighborhood would begin to <br />see changes. Mr. Udemezue confirmed CalTrans would apply for funding based on <br />Council's approval, and construction would likely begin in the fall of 2004. <br /> <br />By consensus of the Council, the matter was continued to the regular City Council <br />meeting on July 21,2003. <br /> <br />8.H. Resolution No. 2003-155, Resolution Approving Contractual Services Agreement <br />between the City of San Leandro and MV Transportation, Inc. for Paratransit Shuttle <br />Bus Services for the Period of August 1,2003 through February 1, 2004 (provides for <br />paratransit shuttle bus services for a six month pilot program). (2121) <br /> <br />Councilmember Santos stated he voted against the item the last time it was considered <br />by the Council. He noted there have been suggested route changes that may compel hinl <br />to change his vote. <br /> <br />Recreation and Human Services Manager Joann Oliver gave a PowerPoint presentation <br />which provided an overview of the project and described the shuttle route. Ms. Oliver <br />addressed concerns previously raised regarding passengers in wheelchairs. <br /> <br />Councilmember Santos commented he believes the program is a good one. He <br />advocated for a comprehensive program and expressed interest in seeing the Links and <br />Flex shuttle services merged someday. <br />