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Minutes 2003 1215
City Clerk
City Council
Minutes 2003 1215
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<br />MINUTES Page 4 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-DECEMBER 151 2003 <br /> <br />Mr. Horn noted that Option 1 was the option endorsed by the City Council Business <br />Development Committee, while Option 2 was reconllllended by the Planning <br />Commission. Mr. Horn acknowledged that while the CD District does not reflect what <br />is commonly recognized as the downtown areal it is the zoning district that has been in <br />place for nlany years. <br /> <br />Councilmember Santos noted that he observed four fast food restaurants near the Hyatt <br />Regency while working in the Financial District in San Francisco. He concurred with <br />Ms. Finberg's comment that the Council needs to consider the quality, not just the size, <br />of a business. Councilmelnber Santos expressed a preference for Option 2 as it does not <br />automatically preclude any particular business. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant stated she can live with Option 2 because anytime a fast food <br />restaurant wants to come to downtown San Leandro, it will need to go through some <br />level of approval by one of the City's regulatory bodies. Mr. Horn commented that the <br />consideration of a CUP is based on specific findings and that trying to make zoning <br />distinctions using quality as a criterion will be very difficult and could subject the City <br />to accusations of favoritism. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Glaze described a business that is less than 1,500 square feet and sells <br />sandwichesl salads, juice drinks and coffee. He asked how such a business would be <br />categorized. Mr. Horn stated there has been a lot of discussion regarding the distinction <br />between a cafe and a fast food restaurant. Mr. Horn indicated there would need to be a <br />deternlination if such a use canle to the City. Vice Mayor Glaze noted the restaurant he <br />described is a Starbucks. Mr. Horn stated that while the distinctions are not clear-cut, <br />the particular Starbucks described by the Vice Mayor would likely be considered a fast <br />food restaurant and subj ect to a CUP. <br /> <br />Councilmember Nardine stated she favors Option 2 as it allows for the application of a <br />CUP for large-scale fast food restaurants so that the quality issues can be considered. <br />Option 1 does not allow an avenue for approval of large-scale fast food restaurants. <br /> <br />Councilmember Badger restated his preference for Option 2 and his concern that juice <br />bars or coffeehouses may attempt to undermine the ordinance by serving fast food. <br /> <br />City Manager J ermanis provided a summary of the options, noting the size of the <br />business is the critical factor and that all restaurants under 1,500 square feet would be <br />conditionally pennitted under either option. Mr. Horn described the review process for <br />a CUP, noting a full set of plans is required. Mr. Horn suggested the Council consider <br />from a policy standpoint how open the City will be to allowing large-scale fast food <br />restaurants in the downtown area and whether they represent the quality retail <br />establishments the City would like to attract. Mr. Horn addressed the concern expressed <br />by Councilmember Badger regarding a juice bar or coffeehouse transitioning into a fast <br />food restaurant, noting that when a retail establishment changes its use it would be <br />subj ect to a CUP. <br />
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