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<br />MINUTES Page 5 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting~DECEMBER 15, 2003 <br /> <br />Mayor Young expressed concern regarding the subjectivity in determining quality and <br />how the City could deny a large-scale fast food use on the basis of the type of food it <br />serves. Mayor Young asked Mr. Horn about parking issues. Mr. Horn noted fast food <br />restaurants generally have a higher parking demand due to the volume of business and <br />generate a fair amount of garbage. Mayor Young noted for the record that she likes m- <br />and-Out Burger and Krispy Kreme but feels neither restaurant would locate to <br />downtown San Leandro due to size and parking issues. <br /> <br />Mr. Horn suggested Council may want to consider a hybrid proposal of prohibiting <br />large-scale fast food restaurants along the East 14th Street corridor as it has the most <br />visible storefronts in the downtown area. Large-scale fast food restaurants could be <br />allowed, subj ect to a CUP, in the less visible interior portions of the downtown. Mr. <br />Honl suggested another option could be to change the definition of snlall-scale fast food <br />to 2,000 square feet. <br /> <br />Mayor Young inquired whether the existing fast food restaurants have cleanup <br />provisions in their CUPs. Mr. Horn stated the CUPs of fast food restaurants require <br />litter pickup within a certain radius and require the restaurant to have trash collection <br />servIce. <br /> <br />While Councilnlenlber Santos acknowledged the concern that assessing quality is <br />subjective, he noted businesses that have been denied a CUP would have recourse to <br />appeal. <br /> <br />Councilmember Badger reiterated his concern regarding the boundaries of the CD <br />District. It was the consensus of the Council to have staff look into modifYing the CD <br />Commercial Downtown District to extend south to Williams Street. <br /> <br />Councilmenlber Badger inquired about the possibility of extending the nloratorium for <br />an additional 180 days. Mr. Honl confirmed the moratorium could be extended for this <br />alTIount of time. City Attorney Williams stated the Council would need to adopt an <br />urgency ordinance extending the moratorium. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant expressed some confusion regarding the definition of a full- <br />service versus a fast food restaurant. She suggested the Council also review these <br />definitions. Mr. Horn noted this is an area with which all cities struggle. The City has <br />tried to define restaurants by their characteristics, such as the amount of take-out <br />business they do or the amount of disposable containers they use. Pizza parlors such as <br />Sergio's and Round Table are defined as full-service restaurants because of the large <br />amount of restaurant seating but the definition could be altered to consider them as fast <br />food restaurants. <br /> <br />Councilmember Badger suggested extending the moratorium for an additional SIX <br />months, reviewing the juice bar issue and other definitions. <br />