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<br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> <br />STAFF REPORT <br /> <br />APPROYED AND <br />FORWARDED <br />TO CITY COUNCIL <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />February 5,2007 <br /> <br />Johln. .Jcrmanis <br />Citfll ,1I1ager <br /> <br /> <br />TO: <br /> <br />John Jennanis, City Manager <br /> <br />FROM: Uehenna Udemczue, Direetot \ <br />..\ <br />Engineering and Transportati n bepartment <br /> <br />BY: Kenneth Joseph, Cdy Engine r 11 <br /> <br />SUBJECT PROJECT/PROJECT DESCRIP'lrON: <br /> <br />RESOLUTION APPfZOYINC A CONTRACTUAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH <br />DOWLING ASSOCIATES, INC. RELATING TO THE HESPERIAN <br />BOULEY ARD/LEWELLING BOULEY ARD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PROJECT NO. <br />144-39-002, ACTIA PROJECT NO. 17 <br /> <br />Thc work includes preparing a traffic assessmcnt report to determine the efficiency of existing <br />and futurc (2030) operations at the intersection of IIesperian Boulevard and Lewelling <br />Boulevard. <br /> <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br /> <br />Stall recommends approval or a contractual services agrecment with Dowling Associates, Inc. in <br />the amount or$()5,000 for the subject project. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br /> <br />In November 2000, Alameda County voters approved the extension of the 1/2 cent sales tax for <br />twenty years for roadway projects throughout the County. Voters also approved new rules and <br />regulations concerning these funds, including entering into agrecments 1'01' managing the funds. <br /> <br />The County or Alameda is leading the effort to widen Lewelling Boulevard/East Lewelling <br />Boulevard (ACTIA No. 13 project) from Hesperian Boulevard to Meekland A venue from two <br />lanes to rour lanes. This project is under design and scheduled for construction in 2008. The <br />City of San Leandro's portion (ACTIA No. 17 project) is to ilnprove the part of intersection at <br />Hesperian Boulevard and Lewelling Boulevard. This project is divided into two phases. <br /> <br />The first phase of the project added one right turn lane on southbound Hesperian Boulevard to <br />facilitate liTe right turns onto Lewelling Boulevard. This work was completed in June 2004. <br />'fhe second phase involves improving the eastbound lane to northbound I Iesperian Boulevard to <br />alleviate vehicle congestion. The solution requires an intersection analysis to optimize the <br />intersection, considering the changing traffic pattern projected by the 1-23S and Lewelling <br />80ulevard construction. This traffic assessment report will develop short and long-te1l11 <br />intersection improvement alternatives, including intersection confIgurations and traffic signal <br />operations. <br />