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<br />Dowling CS^ <br />-..- ..--. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />February 5, 20()7 <br /> <br />Analvsis <br /> <br />A request IClr proposals fi.1r the traffic assessment report was sent out to sixteen finns; four <br />responded. City stalf and staff Ii-om Alameda County reviewed and ranked the proposals bascd <br />upon the experience of' each finn and project manager. Dowling Associates was selected as the <br />most qualilledlinn. <br /> <br />Current City Council Policy <br /> <br />. To improve and maintain the City's roadways <br /> <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br /> <br />. On May I, 2000 by Resolution No. 2000-63, the City Council recomrnended that Alameda <br />County place Measure [3 (extension of the 1/2 cent sales tax for transportation projects) on <br />the November ballot <br />. On March 18, 2002 by Resolution No. 2002-35, the City Council authorized the City <br />Manager to entcr into a Master Punding Agrecment with ACTIA felr Measure B <br />Prograrnmatic Pass-Through Funds <br />. On July 1,2002 by Resolution No. 2002-96, the City Council authorized the City Manager to <br />enter illto a Master Punding Agreernent with ACTIA ror Measure B Capital Project Punds <br />. On July 21, 2003 by Resolution No. 2003-170, the City Council approved the project plans <br />and speeillcations and authorized the call for bids l'or Phase 1 <br />. On September 15, 2003 by Resolution No, 2003-200, the City Council awarded the <br />construction contract to Sposcto Engineering, Inc. l'or Phase 1 <br />. On .I uly 6, 2004 by Resolution No. 2004-110, the City Council accepted the work l'or the <br />Hesperian Boulevard and Lewelling Boulevard Intersection for Phase 1 <br /> <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br /> <br />Not Applicable <br /> <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br /> <br />. The draft General Plan lists the subject Measure B project in Chapter 4--TranspoI1ation, <br />Section D-Trattic Forecasts and Planned Improvements, on Table 4-4--Planned Street <br />Improvements in San Luandro, 2000-2015 <br /> <br />Ptnnits and/or Variances Granted <br /> <br />Not Applicable <br /> <br />I<:nvironmental Review <br /> <br />. A Categorical Exemption will be tiled with Alameda County <br />