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<br />EXIIIBIT A <br /> <br />CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT AND <br />CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR <br />TRACT MA P 7791 <br /> <br />650-740 FARGO AVENUE <br />SAN LEANDRO, CALIFORNIA <br /> <br />FINDINClS <br /> <br />Pursuant to the provisions of Scction 7-1-420 of the San Lcandro Municipal Codc, I have <br />examined Tract Map 7791 and rind that it will be in compliance with Titlc VII, Chaptcr 1 or thc <br />San Leandro Municipal Code and the State Subdivision Map Act upon completion of thc <br />conditions or approval 1 isted below. <br /> <br />I. Provide an engineer's estimate Jew the installation of the car liLts, carports, bicycle <br />parking stalls, and trash enclosure. Provide a guarantee for thc completion or these <br />improvements in the of a bond, line of credit, or other means approved by the City <br />Ic)r I OO'X) or the estimated cost. <br /> <br />2. Prior to thc rclease of the Final Map Jar signatures, the City will require an annotated <br />copy of the Conditions of Approval explaining how each condition has been satisfied. ^ <br />copy of this documcnt shall be suhmitted to the Engineering and Transportation <br />Department and thc Community Dcvelopment Dcpalimcnt for review and final approval. <br /> <br />J. Construct a]] public and pedestrian facilities in accordance with current American with <br />Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Repair and/or replace any deficient irnprovcmcnts <br />such as raised sidcwalks, damaged curb and guttcr to comply with CUITent ADA <br />rcquircments or as directcd by the City Engineer prior to the release of the Final Map <br />Icw recordation. <br /> <br />4. The Developer is rcsponsible Il.)r cnsuring that all contractors and suhcontractors are <br />aware of and implement all storm water quality measures. Failure to comply with the <br />approvcd construction hest managcment practices (BMPs) shall rcsult in the issuance of <br />correction noticcs, citations and/or a project stop order. <br /> <br />5_ A Homeowner's Association (I-lOA) shall be formed and shall be responsiblc in <br />perpetuity for the rnaintenance, repair, and replacement of the car lifts, carports, open <br />space and common area improvemcnts including walkways, landscaping, irrigation <br />equiprnent, private streets, access casement, sound walls, and utilities. Thc I-IOA is <br />responsihlc for enfenecrnent of the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and <br />shall providc written notification of any violation to thc property owners. <br /> <br />l\lge 1 of 2 <br />