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<br />4. The Participant agrees to maintain the parking lot open and available to the public during <br />regular business hours 0.,:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) seven days a week. Nothing in this paragraph, or <br />in this agreement, is intended to create any property interest in Participant's property for the <br />benefit orthe City, Redevelopment Agency, or any other entity or person or the public in <br />general. The public's use of Pmticipant's parking lot is permissive in nature and therefore <br />cannot fOfln the basis of any prescriptive easement at any time in the future. <br /> <br />5. The Agency agrees to provide $25,000 fiJr a "Dining on MacArthur" marketing campaign <br />that recognizes the primary function of the V ita Cereja Restaurant in anchoring the business <br />district, but which also specifically promotes the other full-service restaurants on MacArthur in <br />the vicinity of Vila Cereja, including but not limited to, Cafe Encore, Ch,ll1g's (Jounnet <br />Restaurnnt, and CreAsian Restaurant. The Agency will provide funding upon submittal of the <br />marketing carnpaign which will be conducted under the direction of the Participant, John "Jake" <br />Francisco. <br /> <br />6. The City/Agency agrees to remove two trees in the right-of-way adjacent to the existing <br />Banquet ROOlll of Vila Cereja Restaurant and witlmaintain the landscaped area in Ji-ont of the <br />restaurant. The City/Agency further agrees to assess the condition of the sidewalk area adjacent <br />to the restaurant and will replace with new concrete sidewalk at the discretion of" the <br />City/ Agency. <br /> <br />7. Claims Released. In consideration of this Agreement, Participant and the City/Agency <br />hereby agree to fully and forever release and discharge one another from any and all claims, <br />actions, causes of action, liabilities, damages, demands, attorneys' Jees, expenses and costs of <br />any kind or nature whatsoever, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, which <br />have existed or may have existed, or which clo exist, or which hereafter shall or may exist, and <br />which arise out of or arc in any way related to the Claims or the J~lcls stated in this Agreement. <br /> <br />~L Attorneys' FeG~. If any legal action, arbitration or other proceeding is brought to enJcll-ce <br />any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing palty shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' <br />fees and costs (including expert witness fees and costs) incurred in this aclion, arbitration or <br />proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which the party may be entitled under law or equity. <br /> <br />9. Complete Agreell19}lt; Written Modillcatl.9n Only. This Agreemcnt contains the entire <br />agreement ol"the parties and constitutes the cOlnplete, final and exclusive embodiment ol"their <br />agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement supersedes any and all <br />prior correspondence, arrangements, representations and understandings, whether written or oral, <br />express or implied, with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may not be <br />modified except by a written agreement which specifically sets fixth each rnodification and is <br />signed by all parties. <br /> <br />In. Counterparts. This Agreement may bc deemed executed in two or more counterparts, <br />each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which taken together shall constitute one <br />and the same instrument. <br /> <br />SI(JNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE <br /> <br />'(,79765-2 <br />