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<br />DRAFfMINUTES Page 10 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-March S, 2007 <br /> <br />2007. Funding: Capital Improvement Program Account No. 230-43-155 and <br />Redevelopment Agency Account No. 964-83-060. <br /> <br />. Resolution No. 2007-026, Resolution of Award of Contract to McGuire and <br />Hester for Doolittle Drive Entryway Improvements, Phase 1, Project No. 230-43- <br />155. (3087) <br /> <br />. Resolution No. 2007-027, Resolution of Award of Contract to McGuire and <br />Hester for Doolittle Drive Entryway Improvements, Phase 2, Project No. 230-43- <br />155. (3087) <br /> <br />9. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> <br />Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker per item, subject to adjustment by the <br />Mayor. <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />10. ACTION ITEMS <br /> <br />Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker per item, subject to adjustment by the <br />Mayor. <br /> <br />A. Implementation Plan for Community Preservation Ordinance (provides information <br />concerning the Police Department's plans to implement recent code enforcement <br />amendments to the San Leandro Municipal Code). (1022/1958/2557) <br /> <br />City Manager Jermanis gave background on the matter and introduced Police Chief <br />Dale Attarian. Chief Attarian reported on the Police Department's plan for <br />implementing the enhancements to the ordinances as well as the overall plan for code <br />compliance. He emphasized that the goal is to attain voluntary compliance, and he <br />pointed out that residents usually come into compliance when they are informed of the <br />law. Chief Attarian commented on the public education efforts for the code <br />amendments, including articles in the City newsletter and the San Leandro Times, <br />presentations to homeowners associations and information posted on the City's website. <br /> <br />Chief Attarian described the enforcement process and timelines. He noted that, due to <br />the volume of complaints received by the Community Compliance Unit, enforcement of <br />these violations on private property will continue to be handled on a complaint basis. <br />Chief Attarian reported that the City would be divided into three sectors, with each <br />Code Compliance Officer assigned to a sector, and patrol officers will become more <br />involved. "Sweeps" of targeted neighborhoods have been performed on the last seven <br />Sundays with great success. <br />