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<br /> <br />Improvements <br />Needed <br /> <br /> <br />Funded: <br />- Relocation of Boat Launch Ramp (on hold) $2m <br />. Unfunded: <br />- Fuel Dock upgrade $.5 . $1 m <br />- Wooden docks replacerrent $am <br />- Replacement of two restrooms $1 m <br />- ADA improvements to Marina office l.&m <br />Approximate Total Unfunded Improvements $10m <br /> <br />. Debt service on a $10m, 30-year CalBoat loan to make the <br />needed infrastructure improvements would be $614k. <br /> <br />If Marina Harbor Operations~~, <br />Are Discontinued.. .i~' <br /> <br />The cost to develop and implement a reuse plan <br />is currently unknown. <br /> <br />Some debt and/or development costs may be <br />rolled into the master development plan to be <br />covered by future development. <br /> <br /> <br />$ Annual Budget Comparison <br />(in thousands) <br /> <br />Budget to Continue to Operate Harbor <br />~ -- <br />968 1,713 <br />o 1,000 (1) <br />o 614(2) <br />$968 $3,327 <br /> <br />Annual Budget <br />Dredging <br />Improvements <br /> <br />Oier"" <br />!Iilllll1lII!J <br />( 745) <br />( 1,000) <br />( 614\ <br />($2,359) <br /> <br />Budget to Close Harbor <br />~ <br />Debt Service 0 <br />Harbor Dismantling 0 <br />$ 0 <br /> <br />- <br />564 (3) <br />189 (() <br />$ 753 <br /> <br />OYer..., <br />~ <br />( 564) <br />( 189\ <br />( 753) <br /> <br />(1)E_,ed_'<<flOld'OIJf\'l.... DredgngcooloIl<OIyIo"""'oHChco,do. <br />(2) Debt 8ir'YIce on .S1om, 30-)8. eaeoatloan 10 make neeessay Itnprovementlto IIw hIwbor. <br />(3) Debt aervk::e on cwrentlolflS, eaeo.lor.a end 2020-28. GcMfat Fund Ioana tWId 201&-32. <br />(4) 0eb11lC!11'V1ee on _52.6m, 3()..~. 6% 10., to dlsm.,n.lheM'bor_ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />No Immediate Plans to Dredge <br /> <br />We have reached the point where we can no <br />longer guarantee that boats can safely <br />navigate in and out of the harbor. <br /> <br />The City has sent appropriate notification to <br />the berthers. <br /> <br />Occupancy is at 54%, with 8% Iive-aboards. <br />Less than 20% are San Leandro residents. <br /> <br />Development of a transition plan to close the <br />marina harbor may be appropriate at this <br />time. <br /> <br />It Environmental Assessment <br /> <br />. An Environmental Assessment is proposed to <br />identify regulatory and environmental <br />constraints for water and landside options. <br /> <br />. i. <br />The scope of the work Includes: .....,>,.."... .J. <br />1- Existing Cond~ionS Characterlzation " <br /> <br />2- Survey of OOer Bay Area Marina Reuse/' <br />Redevelopment Projects <br /> <br />3- Evaluation of EnllironmentaVRegulatory Constraints <br /> <br />Environmental Science Associates has <br /> <br />submitted a proposal to complete the work at a <br /> <br />cost of $35,000. <br /> <br />3 <br />