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FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2007 0328
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FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2007 0328
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6/6/2007 4:00:40 PM
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4/13/2007 9:48:34 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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<br />height of certain elements, particularly the planting of palm trees. Narrowing the street <br />on the east (driveway) side of the street to provide landscaping and to take advantage of <br />the golf course view was the recommended solution. Existing medians will be <br />rehabilitated, but lane configuration will remain the same. FAA height restrictions <br />prevent palm trees north of Adams. Fencing will be changed in some areas from chain <br />link to picket. Two 17-foot tall monuments near the San Leandro/Oakland border will be <br />added. Phase I and 2 will be done at the same time. The style of monuments will be <br />similar to City of Oakland monuments. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued. Committee member Souza asked ifthe monuments are located in San <br />Leandro on San Leandro property and who is responsible for graffiti. Ken explained that <br />there is a maintenance agreement in place. What Oakland maintained before, it will <br />continue to maintain. Committee member Gregory asked if we anticipate any issues with <br />businesses, similar to the issues with the MacArthur project. Ken explained that with no <br />new medians going in we do not anticipate any problems. Steve Hollister stated that a <br />big improvement to the project will be the wrought iron fence along the golf course. <br /> <br />3. A TT Lightspeed Presentation <br /> <br />Representatives from A TT, Karen Boles and Shiyama Clunie, presented A TT <br />Lightspeed. They explained that Lighspeed would allow A TT to upgrade its network <br />within the city of San Leandro, offer more TV and voiceover IP services to residents, and <br />provide super high speed internet services. <br /> <br />Shiyama explained that A TT wants to provide competition for cable companies, <br />particularly in TV, but that upgrading is extremely costly. A TT is branching out and <br />becoming a multi-media technology company. It is ready and willing to work with the <br />City to obtain encroachment permits to complete its project. Karen provided details <br />about the boxes that would be required for the project, and stated that it is the most <br />controversial part because they are above-ground cabinets. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued. Mayor Santos expressed concern regarding the City's contract with <br />Comcast and what duties and responsibilities the City has. He stated that the presentation <br />with A TT should be considered as information only at this time, and that the issue should <br />not go to City Council for a vote or decision at this point. He feels that there should be <br />an opinion from the City Attorney. This is not law for A TT now because it doesn't have <br />a franchise yet. He does not want to get too far along in the discussion until we get an <br />opinion from the City Attorney. <br /> <br />Karen Boles stated that A TT is just here to give an update and present the options to the <br />Committee. Mayor Santos stated that Verizon and Comcast should have an opportunity <br />to make presentations as well. Citizens have to make the choice. This is a competitive <br />business. The City has to ensure an element of fairness and the thing to do at this time is <br />to defer any questions until A TT gets its franchise and we get an opinion from the City <br />Attorney because at this moment we still have a contract with Comcast. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos thanked A TT for making the presentation, but explained that the City is <br />not in a position to make a decision at this time. Given the new changes in the law, he <br />indicated that we will need to obtain legal analysis from our attorney. <br />
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