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<br />:; <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />Date: <br /> <br />April 5, 2007 <br /> <br />To: <br /> <br />San Leandro Marina Committee <br /> <br />From: <br /> <br />Hanson Horn, Community Development Director <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />Debbie Pollart, Planning Manager <br /> <br />Subject: <br /> <br />REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATE'S (ESA) <br />PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK FOR SAN LEANDRO MARINA SHORELINE <br />AREA ENVIRONMENTAL AND REGULATORY CONSTRAINTS/ <br />OPPORTUNITIES ASSESSMENT <br /> <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br /> <br />To assist the City in determining development alternatives for the Marina Shoreline Area, <br />Environmental Science Associates (ESA) submitted a scope of work for an Environmental and <br />Regulatory Constraints/Opportunities Assessment. Staff recommends the Marina Committee <br />recommend to the City Council adoption of a resolution to contract with ESA for the <br />Assessment. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS <br /> <br />ESA assisted the City with development of the Marina Shoreline Area in the past. They helped <br />negotiate and permit the Heron Bay housing development, as well as the creation of the Dredged <br />Materials Maintenance Site (DMMS). The City currently contracts with ESA for environmental <br />work necessary to maintain the marshes. <br /> <br />City staff met with ESA to discuss preliminary environmental work necessary to provide <br />background information that will assist the City in determining alternative uses for the marina <br />harbor, as well as explore the possibility of development on the DMMS. ESA's scope of work is <br />attached and includes the following tasks: <br /> <br />1. Site Reconnaissance/Data Review <br />2. Existing Conditions Characterization <br />3. Survey of Other Bay Area Marina Reuse/Redevelopment Projects <br />4. Evaluate Environmental/Regulatory Constraints <br />5. Prepare Assessment Report <br />6. Meetings and Coordination <br /> <br />The Environmental and Regulatory Constraints/Opportunities Assessment project cost is <br />$34,978. Given ESA's knowledge of the San Leandro Marina Shoreline Area and expertise in <br />environmental work, staff recommends the City engage ESA to perform the work. <br />