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<br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />(2/7/07) <br />SAN LEANDRO MARINA AREA ENVIRONMENTAL AND <br />REGULATORY CONSTRAINTS/OPPORTUNITIES <br />ASSESSMENT <br /> <br />Task 1. <br /> <br />Site ReconnaissancelData Review <br /> <br />ESA staff will conduct a brief site visit to inspect the current status of the <br />Marina property and adjoining land uses in order to ascertain ambient conditions and land <br />use compatibilities. We will obtain and review any recent planning and/or environmental <br />documents prepared by or for the City on projects either pertinent to the Marina or to <br />immediately surrounding lands (including the City's Dredge Material Management Site). <br /> <br />Task 2. <br /> <br />Existing Conditions Characterization <br /> <br />Characterize existing zoning, land uses, key infrastructure facilities and <br />utilities (e.g. roadways, storm drains), regulatory agency jurisdiction, and other <br />environmental factors within the Marina Area. Using City-prepared GIS maps, prepare a <br />summary narrative description of existing conditions in the study area most pertinent to <br />potential future development considerations. Environmental topic areas to be addressed <br />would include land use and recreation, geology and soils, hazardous materials, drainage <br />and water quality, biological resources, traffic and circulation, noise and air quality, and <br />utilities and public services. In evaluating constraints related to potential presence <br />hazardous materials, work will be limited to a review of the pertinent regulatory database <br />as well as a site survey. Regulatory agencies with jurisdiction in the study area would be <br />identified and their policies and requirements pertinent to the Marina Area described. <br />Agencies to be included in this characterization are U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. <br />Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, California Regional Water <br />Quality Control Board, Bay Conservation and Development Commission, State Lands <br />Commission, State Department of Toxic Substance Control, and California Department <br />of Fish and Game. <br /> <br />Task 3. <br /> <br />Survey of Other Bay Area Marina ReuselRedevelopment Projects <br /> <br />To assist in evaluating the constraints and opportunities present at the San <br />Leandro Marina and vicinity, ESA will contact no fewer than two and as many as six <br />other marinas in the Bay Area that have undergone, or are in the process of evaluating <br />redevelopment/reuse options. The former Palo Alto Marina (closed as a marina in the <br />early 1990s) and the existing Loch Lomond Marina in San Rafael (where an upland <br />townhouse/shopping center development project is currently undergoing environmental <br />review) are among the marinas that will be contacted. <br /> <br />1 <br />