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<br />! <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Task 4. <br /> <br />Evaluate Environmental/Regulatory Constraints <br /> <br />Through contacts with pertinent regulatory agency representatives, <br />determine and evaluate specific development constraints and opportunities presented by <br />those agencies' policies and procedures. In addition to broad redevelopment/reuse of <br />vacant and/or underutilized upland areas surrounding the Marina basin, development <br />options to be evaluated include the potential reuse of the vacant private parcels along <br />Neptune Drive immediately north of the Marina entrance, the possible relocation of <br />Burrell Park to portions ofthe existing DMMS, the possibility of a realignment of <br />Monarch Bay Road, and the potential for a permanent bridge to be constructed across <br />Estudillo Canal at the Doolittle Drive terminus. The Marina lies within the Oakland <br />International Airport Land Use Plan Compatibility Area and, as such, development would <br />be subject to the restrictions and requirements of the County of Alameda's ALUCP <br />(which is currently being updated for the County by ESA). ESA would contact the <br />County, the Airport and FAA to insure that existing and potential future requirements are <br />factored into any proposed redevelopment in the Marina area. <br /> <br />Task 5. <br /> <br />Prepare Assessment Report <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />Prepare an assessment report documenting the findings of Tasks 1-4 <br />above, using graphics and tabular presentation of information to the maximum extent <br />possible. Eight copies of a Draft Report (estimated at 30 pages), along with a camera- <br />. ready original, will be submitted to the City for review and comments. Upon receipt of <br />all comments from City staff, including reconciliation of any conflicting or internally <br />inconsistent comments, ESA will make the appropriate revisions and submit twenty-five <br />(25) copies of the final Assessment for public distribution, along with both a camera- <br />ready original and an electronic version. The Assessment Report will also be intended to <br />be suitable as an informational document for potential developers of Marina property. <br /> <br />Task 6. <br /> <br />Meetings and Coordination <br /> <br />ESA will attend coordination meetings with City staff (3 meetings are <br />budgeted) and will also attend meetings of the City Council and/or Marina Subcommittee <br />(2 meetings are budgeted), as requested, to review Assessment findings and answer <br />questions. ESA will also maintain regular coordination with the City throughout the study <br />effort and will regularly monitor work schedule and budget to ensure successful <br />execution of the Environrnental/Regulatory Constraints Assessment task. <br /> <br />2 <br />