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<br />(0) Historic District Contributor means an individual building, structure, object, cultural <br />landscape, site or archaeological site that adds to the historic architectural qualities, or pre- <br />historic or historic associations or patterns for which a historic district is significant. <br /> <br />(P) Historic Resource means a designated City Landmark, Merit Resource, Historic District or <br />Historic District Contributor' including buildings, structures, objects, signs, features, sites, <br />archaeological resources, cultural landscapes, places, and areas within the city that reflect special <br />elements of San Leandro's historical, architectural, archaeological, cultural, or aesthetic heritage <br />as defined in this ordinance. <br /> <br />(q) Integrity is the ability of a historic resource to convey its significance. To retain integrity a <br />historic resource must retain most of the following aspects that closely relate to the historic <br />resource's significance including location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and <br />association. <br /> <br />(r) Maintenance means the process by which a property owner maintains or improves the <br />condition of a historic resource. <br /> <br />(s) Merit Resource means a building, structure, object, cultural landscape, site or archaeological <br />site designated as a Merit Resource by the Library-Historical Commission, pursuant to the criteria <br />and procedures set forth in this ordinance. <br /> <br />(t) Object means a material thing of functional, aesthetic, cultural, educational, architectural, <br />historical, or scientific value that may be, by nature or design, moveable yet related to a specific <br />setting or environment. <br /> <br />(u) Relocation means the removal and placement of a historic resource from its original site to a <br />new site. <br /> <br />(v) Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties means the <br />standards and guidelines for the management of historic properties set forth by the National Park <br />Service and the Secretary of the Interior for preserving, rehabilitating, restoring and <br />reconstructing historic buildings, that are included in the Code of Federal Regulations as Title 36, <br />Part 67, as amended. <br /> <br />(w) Site means the location of a significant event, a prehistoric or historic occupation or activity, <br />or a building or structure, whether standing, ruined, or vanished, where the location itself <br />maintains historical or archaeological value regardless of the value of any existing structure. <br /> <br />(x) Structure means a work composed of interdependent and interrelated parts in a definite <br />pattern of organization that was constructed by man. <br /> <br />4-26-300 LffiRARY-HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br />The Library.Historical Commission shall be the governing body of this ordinance and is intended <br />to direct the identification, designation, protection, enhancement, perpetuation, and use of <br />historic resources within the City. <br /> <br />4-26-400 NOTICE <br /> <br />3 <br />