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<br />Items that are considered by or referred to the Library-Historical Commission for a <br />recommendation or action under the authority prescribed in this ordinance shall be noticed to the <br />public in the following manner. <br /> <br />For any action pertaining to an existing or proposed City Landmark, Merit Resource, or Historic <br />District Contributor, a notice of the Library-Historical Commission meeting shall be mailed to <br />the subject property owner(s) and to all property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the <br />boundaries of the subject site at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting. An additional notice <br />shall be posted on the subject site or within three hundred (300) feet ofthe subject site at least ten <br />days prior to the meeting, and such notice shall be viewable from the public right-of-way. <br /> <br />4-26-500 TIMELINE OF DECISION <br />The Library-Historical Commission shall take final action on matters referred to the Commission <br />pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter within ninety (90) days of the date upon which the <br />matter is first agendized for Commission consideration. An extension of up to ninety (90) days <br />may occur if the Commission and applicant agree that it is necessary. <br /> <br />4-26-600 RECORDING REQUIREMENTS <br />All historic site designations in San Leandro officially recorded with the property deeds <br />at the Alameda County Recorders Office. The recorded information on the property deed shall <br />state: <br /> <br />"The property identified as (insert street name and address) and Assessors Parcel Number (insert <br />APN) was designated as a (insert designation category - City Landmark, Merit Resource, or <br />Historic District Contributor) by the City of San Leandro (insert designating authority - Library- <br />Historical Commission or City Council) on (insert Month, Day, and Year). This historic resource <br />is identified as site # (insert number i.e.; 1,7,15, etc.) on the City of San Leandro Historic Sites <br />Register. As a designated historic resource in the City of San Leandro this property is subject to <br />the rules and regulations set forth in the Historic Preservation Ordinance identified as Chapter 4- <br />26 of the City of San Leandro Municipal Code." <br /> <br />4-26-700 CRITERIA FOR HISTORIC RESOURCE DESIGNATION <br /> <br />4-26-705 Criteria for Designation of a City Landmark <br />A City Landmark can be a building, structure, object, cultural landscape, site or archaeological <br />site. In order to be designated as a City Landmark a resource must retain a high level of historic <br />and architectural integrity and meet at least one of the following criteria for designation: <br /> <br />1. The resource exemplifies and reflects special or exemplary elements of San Leandro's <br />cultural, social, economic, political, aesthetic, engineering, architectural, or natural <br />history, or has important archaeological or anthropological associations; or <br />2. The resource is identified with persons or events significant in local, state, regional, or <br />national history; or <br />3. The resource embodies distinctive or exemplary characteristics of a style, type, period <br />or method of construction, or is a valuable example of the use of local materials or <br />craftsmanship; or <br />4. Represents the work of a notable builder, designer, engineer, or architect recognized <br />at the state, regional, or national level; or <br />4 <br />