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<br />Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting - January 18, 2000 <br /> <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />C. Minute Order No. 2000-4, Matter of Separating the Agendas for the City Council <br />and the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency. (2416) <br /> <br />The City Council directed staff to proceed with the separation of the City <br />Council and the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Agendas, beginning <br />with the Agendas for February 7, 2000. <br /> <br />M/S/C Lothrop and Galvan. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br /> <br />D. Matter of Discussion Regarding the Privatization of the City's Refuse Service. <br />-- Motion (1078) <br /> <br />Wandzia Grycz, Assistant City Manager, gave a staff report and power-point <br />presentation. <br /> <br />City Council Members clarified certain aspects of the proposed Agreement with <br />the City Manager and City Attorney. <br /> <br />Council Member Glaze indicated the valiant efforts made by the Public Works <br />Services Department to reduce costs for the delivery of this service to make it <br />work needs to be noted. He further indicated that the City Council does <br />appreciate what they did and recognize they could only reduce so much without <br />affecting service, based upon the City Council's decision to not raise rates. <br /> <br />It was clarified there would be no change in hours of operation and that they <br />would be the same as the recycling operation. It was also noted this is a 10-year <br />contract, with an additional 10-year option. The ability to renegotiate in 10 years <br />and review whether the performance standards are being met was noted. <br /> <br />Council Member Grant indicated she would like to see equity for both sides of <br />town, referencing those residents served by Oro Lorna. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Galvan concurred and indicated what has been presented appears to <br />be a good deal for the City. He commended staff and the City Attorney for their <br />efforts to move this issue forward. He feels this new Agreement will facilitate <br />keeping service in line, as well as rates, and will result in the City recovering debt. <br /> <br />Council Member Lothrop stated she appreciates all the employees and all their <br />hard work, as well as the staff and City Attorney who have been negotiating this <br />contract. She stated she feels the reason the Enterprise Fund was losing money <br />was that some bad deals were made. She voiced concern that the City will be <br />giving up control and that the quality of service will not be the same and how this <br />change in service provider might affect Waste Management. She further indicated <br />she feels fees will go up, regardless, and that is why she will not be supportive of <br />this issue tonight. She did indicate that, in some ways, this is a very good deal; but <br />when you privatize services, people lose jobs and the City loses control. <br />