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8A Consent 2007 0618
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Packet 2007 0618
8A Consent 2007 0618
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6/14/2007 9:16:15 AM
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6/14/2007 9:16:12 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Draft Minutes
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<br />DRAFT MINUTES <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-June 4, 2007 <br /> <br />Page 11 <br /> <br />Mayor Santos commented that he reviewed both ordinances, as well as the memo from <br />the CLC and EBASE. He stated that in his opinion, there are many commonalities, and <br />the differences could be reconciled. Mayor Santos noted that the City already pays <br />prevailing wage for janitorial services, and the ordinance already contains cost of living <br />adjustments. <br /> <br />Councilmember Stephens commented on the Finance Committee's difficulty with the <br />financing and implementation of the ordinance. He gave an example of requiring <br />reports from contractors and the issues involved with monitoring the reports. <br /> <br />Colincilmember Souza expressed appreciation for the efforts by the Finance Committee <br />and staff in bringing the ordinance forward. She asked to what extent the City is already <br />in compliance with the ordinance, what the implications would be of adopting more <br />stringent guidelines, what the implementation costs would be, and what the City would <br />need to forgo in order to provide additional enforcement for the living wage provisions. <br />Councilmember Souza noted that the Council will need to find a balance in coming to <br />an agreement on the ordinance. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos remarked that he does not believe it will be a problem. He commented <br />on the cost to society of homelessness and other problems experienced by the working <br />poor. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Grant commented on Councilmember Souza's question regarding <br />implementation costs, noting that this was a big discussion point for the Committee. <br />The Committee was told that implementation could be handled through the Purchasing <br />Division. <br /> <br />Mr. J ermanis indicated that the cost for implementation would largely determine what <br />provisions are contained in the final ordinance. Mr. Jermanis indicated that, based on <br />Council's direction and input from the public, the ordinance will return to the Finance <br />Committee for further review, and staff will provide a cost analysis for enforcement. <br />Mr. Jermanis referred to Councilmember Stephens' comments regarding monitoring of <br />payroll records, noting that this would be a time-consuming process. <br /> <br />Councilmember Gregory commented that the City has invested a lot of time in the <br />living wage issue, and he would hate to see an ordinance passed that was unenforceable. <br />He commented on the progress of the Downtown Transit-Oriented Development <br />Strategy, which could lower housing costs for workers who live in San Leandro. <br />Councilmember Gregory asked if staff has met with the businesses at the Marina, noting <br />that the golf course would be the most severely affected. <br /> <br />Assistant City Manager Steve Hollister commented that the City's Purchasing Agent, <br />Don Brockman, polled the lessees at the Marina. Mr. Brockman found that, under the <br />current contracts, the impact would be minimal if a Marina zone was established, <br />similar to that established by the City of Berkeley. American Golfwould experience the <br />greatest impact, and the motel and restaurants would be less impacted. Mr. Hollister <br />noted that most of the City's service providers would be unaffected by the proposed <br />
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