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<br />DRAFT MINUTES <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-June 4, 2007 <br /> <br />Page 15 <br /> <br />Mayor Santos commented on the various forms of publicity that would be used to <br />inform residents of the next Marina town hall meeting. <br /> <br />Councilmember Gregory commented on the great turn out for the last meeting. He <br />commented that he would like to see a comparison of the operating costs vs. <br />revenues, particularly of the yacht harbor. <br /> <br />12. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Councilmember Souza thanked City Manager Jermanis for providing an update on the <br />Washington Avenue lot which was the site of the former Joker's Bar. Councilmember Souza <br />reported on the weekend attendance at the San Leandro Aquatic Center, noting that 210 used <br />the facility on Saturday and 300 on Sunday. Councilmember Souza asked for follow up on <br />the request for information on a State lobbyist. Mayor Santos noted that the issue has been <br />referred to the City Council Rules and Communications Committee. <br /> <br />Councilmember Starosciak commented that she attended the opening of the Oro Lorna capital <br />improvement site, which was completed ahead of schedule. She attended Oro Lorna's 37th <br />annual poster contest, and she reported that Arroyo High School won over $1,000 in <br />scholarships and Dayton School took second place with $600 in scholarships. <br />Councilmember Starosciak reported that she attended Supervisor Alice Lai Bitker's workshop <br />on Health Care and Healthy Communities. Dr. Anthony Iton, Health Officer for the Alameda <br />County Public Health Department, gave a presentation on how communities can avert health <br />care problems by becoming healthier. As a result of the workshop, school districts will begin <br />sharing student health data with the County. There was also discussion regarding the <br />importance of civic engagement in creating a healthy community. Councilmember Starosciak <br />commented on a report she received from MTC which showed the pavement condition index <br />for cities in Alameda County. The index showed that only Berkeley and Oakland have poorer <br />pavement quality than San Leandro. Councilmember Starosciak requested that when the <br />Housing Element is brought back to the Council for consideration, she would like the Council <br />to review the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance and what we are trying to accomplish. She <br />would like the Council to consider a civic engagement element for affordable housing which <br />would require a "sweat equity" component. <br /> <br />Councilmember Stephens reported that he attended the sweanng m of Mo Qayoumi, <br />President of California State University East Bay. <br /> <br />Councilmember ProIa reported that he witnessed an automobile accident while attending the <br />Casa Verde groundbreaking ceremony, and he thanked Fire Chief Gilbert for being on scene <br />and providing needed assistance. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos reported that he attended the Memorial Day service at the Chapel of the <br />Chimes on May 28, as well as the swearing in of CSUEB President Qayoumi along with <br />Councilmembers Stephens and Gregory. Mayor Santos noted that in his speech, President <br />Qayoumi commented that only in America could a youngster from Kabul become the <br />president of a great university. Mayor Santos commented on his tour of the decWorination <br />