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<br />Action programs were discontinued throughout the state. The <br />Human Resources Department now makes bi-annual reports to the <br />Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on diversity <br />in the Ci ' s workforce. <br />1990s to present The San Leandro Police Department undertook an extensive Cultural <br />Awareness Training Program under the aegis of the California Peace <br />Officers Standards and Training (POST) agency. <br />Currently: Since that time, POST requires all police academies to <br />include a block on cultural awareness in recruit police officer <br />training. Additionally, state legislature passed a bill requiring all <br />police departments to provide training on "Racial Profiling". SLPD <br />has had two officers trained in "Train the Trainer" classes who have <br />brought the department into compliance with the required training <br />within two years of the passage of the bill, and who now provide <br />re uired u dated trainin to the officers eve five ears. <br />1990s to present . The San Leandro Police Department began providing on-campus School <br />Resource Officers (SRO) to help address student issues and encourage <br />student interaction with law enforcement. <br />Currently: Three SROs share assignments among all public schools <br />in San Leandro and assist rivate schools as re uested. <br />1990s The San Leandro Police Department established a Drug Awareness <br />Resistance Education (DARE) program in San Leandro schools, and <br />incorporated education components for cultural diversity and racial <br />harmony into the DARE curriculum. <br />Currently: Due to loss of grant funding and other budget restraints, <br />the DARE ro ram has been sus ended. <br />March 1991 The City Council adopted a resolution condemning hate-motivated crimes <br />and violence and made hate-crime revention a to riori in San Leandro. <br />April 1991 After appearing before the California Fair Employment and Housing <br />Commission, the San Leandro Police Department was commended for the <br />positive and effective measures it had developed to respond to and prevent <br />hate crimes. <br />1991 With the assistance of Mayor Karp, the SanLeandro Unified School <br />District developed a successful series of student assemblies at San Leandro <br />High School featuring presentations by minority professionals and Bay <br />Area celebrities. <br />1991 to present The City Council reinstated the Youth Advisory Commission, appointing <br />fourteen students to the Commission to assist in molding a positive and <br />harmonious future for the community. One of the most active sub- <br />committees at that time was the Commission's Cultural Diversity <br />Committee. Out of that Committee came the Youth Summit called "Free <br />Your Mind" and subsequent Youth Summits under the theme of "Peace by <br />Piece" . <br />Currently, the annual YAC Youth Summits provide students from <br />all area high schools to participate in a workshop on contemporary <br />issues, fre uentl focusin on cultural awareness. <br />