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<br />. Quarterly payments will be made in arrears in the month following the quarter ends. <br /> <br />. Relocation of fire permitting and inspection staff closer to the City's building inspection <br />staff. <br /> <br />Baloca explained that effective July L 2007, Alameda County Fire Districts (ACFD) will bill the <br />City quarterly in arrears with the first payment being made in October 2007. Baloca further <br />explained that ACFD is currently having an independent audit performed and believes the field <br />work may have already been completed for FY 2004-05. Baloca will submit the completed <br />financial audit report to the Finance Committee upon its completion. <br /> <br />5. Review of 3rd Quarter Budget Monitoring Report <br />Finance Director Baloca reported on the City's Third Quarter 2007 performance. As of the third <br />quarter, the City's General Fund contingency reserves are anticipated to be replenished to City <br />Council's policy level of 20% of General Fund operating expenditures. However, the $2.4 <br />million 911 Fee remains a revenue-at-risk. There have been unfavorable rulings against Union <br />City and Stockton, which is scheduled to be appealed in the near future. <br /> <br />Factors that improved the City's overall finances: <br />a) Sales tax revenue is expected to exceed the City's previous 3% growth projections over <br />the prior year <br />b) Early repayment of the 2004 VLF Gap loan. <br />c) LAIr's investment yield as of March 31, 2007 was at 5.17%, which is 1.14% higher than <br />a year ago. <br />d) Property assessed valuation increased 9.38% as compared to the 7% growth estimated a <br />year ago. <br />e) Bay Area CPI of 3.2% improved over the prior year index of 2.9%. <br />f) One time reimbursement of $1 million from prior year advance life support services were <br />received and used to replenish fire capital replacement reserves and to replace a fire <br />engme. <br />g) All fund operating expenditures are at 59.5% of budget as of the 3rd quarter which is <br />approximately 15% below budget. <br />h) General Fund expenditure is $2.2 million under budget. <br />i) Overtime is at 79%, which is slightly higher than prior year by $1OK. <br /> <br />In response to Starosciak's request for clarification on how credits are paid, Jermanis explained <br />that the credits are applied quarterly to the pre-payment made by the City to ACFD in the <br />following month. <br /> <br />In response to Grant's concern on revenue and expenditure variances. Baloca clarified that some <br />of the revenues are paid twice a year or quarterly and may show a high variance from budget. <br />Baloca provided assurance that the revenues will be received closed to projections and that the <br />variances primarily reflect timing of when cash is received by the City. Regarding expenditures <br />in the Recreation department, Baloca explained the seasonal effects as to why year-to-date <br />expenditures are currently lower than budget. <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />G\FINC'OMM\1[l()"07 Mmlltes\CITY _ COUNC'ILFIN ANC'E. COMMITTEE 06.19 07 due <br />