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<br />Town Hall Input <br />Page 3 of6 <br /> <br />May 12, 2007 <br /> <br />Increase occupancy at harbor - <br />Reconfiguration of the docks may increase occupancy and is a proposed capital <br />improvement project. <br />Marketing and promotion <br />Publicize marina <br />Sell advertising on website <br />Charge airport for emergency use and maintenance - <br />The City and Alameda County Fire Department could consider negotiating an emergency <br />use fee with the Port of Oakland. It is unlikely that the Port would agree to a new fee for <br />response. <br />Port pay for damage from silts - <br />There is no proven connection between the Port and siltation of the Channel. <br />Park fee - see Charge for parking, above. <br />Relocate boat launch (close channe14/4A)- <br />This option could result in minor cost savings. <br />Sell berth space - <br />The City could explore the possibility of dockiminiums, if the City owns the water rights. <br />A 40 foot dockiminium slip at Emerycove currently sells for $56k. The Emerycove <br />harbor also collects a monthly fee. This could create a one time infusion of funding; <br />however, it is inconsistent with our policy to maintain the shoreline as public land. The <br />responsibility of dredging would have to be negotiated. <br />Connect Kaiser development to fund marina- <br />There is no link between development at the old Albertson's distribution site and the <br />manna. <br />Not enough money from Walmart and other big business (Kaiser) <br />Cut someplace else <br />Develop land area of the marina to generate funds - <br />This will be explored by the City through the master developer process. <br />Fundraising booth at the Cherry Festival <br />Channel 7, use to generate funds <br />Only 20% ofberthers are from SL, charge out of city berthers more - <br />Th3 Calboat loan prohibits rate discrimination. <br />Reduce docks <br />Sell spoils - <br />The major cost of disposal is the cost to load and haul it offsite. The $1.5m in dredge <br />disposal costs last dredging cycle was for a short run haul and included free disposal. <br />J ettylbreakwater - <br />The two mile channel makes this option cost prohibitive. <br />Fill by El Torrito and sell the land- <br />Regulatory agencies prohibit the filling in of the bay. <br />Provide funds from revenues from golf course, restaurants - <br />Lease revenue could continue to cover part of the cost of harbor operations. Alllease <br />revenue, however, is insufficient to cover the cost of dredging and needed capital <br />improvements. Additionally, there would continue to be no funding for other types of <br />development in the marina shoreline area including implementing the Connections Plan <br />and attracting new restaurants and a hotel. <br />