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<br />'5-0J 7ljU <br />:'Iik\\nlk !\c,:ess '\n:a <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 13 <br /> <br />CITY SIDEW ALKE~ASli~I\lENT <br />NOR'fHI':/\Sl CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND FARGO ,\ VENUES <br /> <br />A porlio]) ofJ\lrcel 7 as said parcel is shown on Parcel IvIap No 4377, filed December <br />28, 1984 in Book 149 of Parcel rvlaps Pages 80 and 81, Alameda County Recorcls, sitlLate <br />i.n the City of San Leandro, County of Almnecla, Slate of Cali Cornia, more particularly <br />deseribedas follows: <br /> <br />BEGINNING at thc SOllt]nvcstcrly comer of Parcel 5 (,11so a C0l11111011 corner of Parcel <br />7) on it 30 Lt, radius curved segment ol'the Easterly line of\V,\shlngton Avenue, as said <br />Parcels and !\ venue ,ne shown on the <lbo\'c referenced Parccli'v[ap: Crom which COrJ1n <br />the center of said cLlrve segment bears North 760 44' :I]" Easl: thelJce along said curved <br />segment, southeasterly along the arc of a curve to the left, having a r.ldius of JOOO it <br />through a central clngle of 76030'32", an arc distance of 40,06 it to an angle point in said <br />Easterly line of Washington Avenue; thcllCC leaving said Easterly linc, N OO"14'OTE <br />8.10 feet; thence N 89045' 53"\\1 11,91 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve to the ri ght, <br />from which point the center bears North 03029' 46" East 18,72 Ct,; thence along the arc <br />of said curve to the right, having a radius of 18.72 feet, through a central angle of <br />75003 '31" ,m arc distance 01'2452 feel and to the POINT OF BEGINNING. <br /> <br />CONTAINING 132 square feet, rnore or less, <br /> <br />, <br />/ <br />1/ <br /> <br /> <br />under my direction, in <br /> <br />ClSt R VFY '.' 55-017<) H :):111 IX':IIHlro\\Il/c1cil\ pOlllOl1 C\ II m IT U .doc <br />