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<br />Part 5 - Narrative - Downtown TOD Strategy <br /> <br />The City of San Leandro, in partnership with AC Transit, was the recipient of a $450,000 <br />MTC grant and $51,570 ACTIA grant to complete a TOD Strategy. A 27-member <br />Citizen Advisory Committee (later reduced to 24) met over a 15 month period and held <br />10 meetings during that time. Those meetings covered an introduction to TOD, an <br />existing conditions report, a market assessment of the study area, a land use alternatives <br />report, financial feasibility of development prototypes, a parking and traffic report, a <br />station access improvement plan, design guidelines and preliminary land use concept and <br />framework elements report. One of the CAC meetings was a field trip to view other <br />downtown and TOD developments in Hayward, Mountain View, Redwood City and San <br />Mateo. <br /> <br />Three community meetings (June 3, 2006, September 30, 2006 and March 17, 2007) <br />were held during the 15 months to further solicit public input on the TOD Strategy. The <br />first meeting had nearly 60 participants, the second had nearly 100 participants and the <br />third had nearly 80 participants. A Technical Advisory Committee (T AC) which included <br />representatives from AC Transit, BART, MTC, Caltrans and ABAG provided valuable <br />technical assistance and guidance throughout the highly collaborative process. A website <br />was established for all of the reports, powerpoint presentations, agendas and meeting <br />notes to provide the public with continued access to information regarding the TOD <br />Strategy process. A developer symposium was held during this process (September <br />2006) to solicit developer input on the TOD Strategy, particularly the financial feasibility <br />aspect. <br /> <br />The resulting Downtown San Leandro Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy <br />Public Review Draft Report is the culmination of 15 months of effort and is now being <br />presented to various City Boards and Commissions as well as Neighborhood, Business <br />and other Civic Associations. A Draft Environmental Impact Report is being circulated <br />for a 45-day review period from June 5 to July 19,2007. Zoning Code and General Plan <br />Amendments to implement the Strategy are now being prepared. The Planning <br />Commission will recommend action on the Final ElR, TOD Strategy and Zoning Code <br />and General Plan Amendments in August of 2007 for City Council consideration in <br />September of2007. <br /> <br />The Downtown San Leandro Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy Area <br />encompasses a 12 mile radius around the intersection of East 14th and Davis Streets, <br />representing 502 acres. The proposed TOD Strategy establishes a land use framework, a <br />comprehensive circulation system, design and development guidelines, and a series of <br />implementation actions that will guide new development in the TOD Strategy Area of <br />San Leandro for the next 25 years. The Strategy establishes the policies that developers, <br />the City's Boards and Commissions and Planning and Community Development staff <br />will follow for new projects in the TOD Strategy area, informing them of required or <br />allowable uses, building heights and various elements of building design. Therefore, the <br />TOD Strategy does not represent an actual project involving physical development or <br />