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<br />Redevelopment Agency funds. <br /> <br />5) Acquisition, Rehabilitation or Demolition of Occupied Real Property <br />City staff discussed housing development opportunities with several developers seeking funding <br />and sites. After land acquisition in FY2005-06, the rehabilitation of Casa Verde by Mercy <br />Housing California went forward this past year. <br /> <br />Although CDBG funds were not used for Casa Verde, this project will help provide decent <br />housing and fulfill our City's Consolidated Plan's priority to preserve and create existing <br />affordable rental housing for low- and moderate-income persons. There was no demolition of <br />occupied real property through use ofCDBG or HOME funds during FY2006-07. <br /> <br />6) Economic Development Activities Undertaken Where Jobs Were Not Taken. <br />No economic development activities were undertaken with CDBG funds in FY2006-07 where <br />jobs were made available for low-income persons. <br /> <br />7) Activities Serving Limited Clientele <br />City stafftracked and verified income data and all activities serving limited clientele not falling <br />within presumed benefit categories. Reports were monitored by the City to assure that at least <br />51 % of the persons served had low/moderate-incomes (at or below 80% of the area median <br />income). <br /> <br />8) Program Income <br />The source of$3,441 in Program Income for FY2006-07 was from repayment and interest <br />income of older CDBG-funded housing rehabilitation loans. <br /> <br />HOME Narrative <br />The City is part of the County of Alameda HOME Consortium. As part of the Consortium, San <br />Leandro receives HOME funds annually via the Alameda County Housing and Community <br />Development Department. HOME expenditures totaled $25,274 for general administration <br />costs. <br /> <br />Citizen Participation <br />The draft CAPER was available for public comment at the Community Development <br />Department, the City Clerk's Office, the main library, and on the City's web site. The comment <br />period was from August 29, 2007 to September 17,2007. Notice of a Public Hearing was <br />published in the Daily Review on August 29,2007. The final CAPER includes various maps, <br />including the geographic distribution and location of expenditures, areas of minority <br />concentration, and census tracts. No comments have been received yet. <br /> <br />Final Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report: FY2006-2007 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 27 <br />