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<br />said northeasterly line of Clarke Street to its intersection with the southeasterly line of <br />West J oaquin Avenue; thence northeasterly along the said southeasterly line of West <br />Joaquin Avenue to the northwest comer of Parcel 14, Block 14; thence southeasterly <br />along the southwest property line of the said Parcel 14 to the southwest comer thereof; <br />thence northeasterly along the, southeasterly property line of the said Parcel 14 to its <br />intersection with the southwesterly property line of the southwest portion of Parcel 17, <br />Block 14; thence southeasterly along the said southwesterly line of Parcel 17 to the <br />southwest comer thereof; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly property line of the <br />said Parcel 17 to its intersection with the southwesterly property line of Parcel 18, Block <br />14; thence southeasterly along the said southwesterly property line of Parcel 18 and along <br />the southeasterly prolongation of the said southwesterly property line of Parcel 18, and <br />across West Juana Avenue to the southeasterly line of the said West Juana Avenue; <br />thence northeasterly along the said southeasterly line of West Juana Avenue to the point <br />of beginning. <br /> <br />The area added to the Plaza 2 Redevelopment Project on December 17, 1979, is <br />shown as AREA 2 on Exhibit B. AREA 2 is more particularly described as follows: <br /> <br />AREA 2 <br /> <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, <br />being a portion of Map of the Town of San Leandro, filed February 27,1855, in Book 2, <br />at page 43, Alameda County Records and being further described as follows: <br /> <br />Beginning at the intersection of the northwestern line of Davis Street with the <br />southwestern line of Clarke Street, as said streets are shown on said map; thence <br />southeasterly along the said southwestern line of Clarke Street to its intersection with the <br />southeastern line of said Davis Street; thence southwesterly along the said southeastern <br />line of Davis Street to its intersection with the southwestern line of Carpentier Street, as <br />said street is shown on said map; thence northwesterly along the said southwestern line of <br />Carpentier Street to a point 100 feet northwesterly of the northwesterly line of said Davis <br />Street; thence at right angles, to said Carpentier Street, southwesterly, 150 feet, more or <br />less, to a line drawn parallel with said Carpentier Street, thence northwesterly along said <br />parallel line 660 feet, more or less, to the southeastern line of Ramon Street, as last said <br />street is shown on said map; thence southwesterly along the said southeastern line of <br />Ramon Street to the southwestern line of San Leandro Boulevard (formerly Estudillo <br />Street), as last said street is shown on said map; thence northwesterly along said <br />southwestern line of San Leandro Boulevard to the centerline of San Leandro Creek as <br />said centerline is shown on the map entitled La Chateauhurst, filed September 17, 1926, <br />in Book 9, at page 45, Alameda County Records; thence easterly, northeasterly, easterly <br />and southeasterly along said centerline of San Leandro Creek, as said center line is shown <br />on last said map, the general southern boundary line of Map of San Antonio Court, filed <br />August 9, 1913, in Book 28, at page 38, Alameda County Records, said general southern <br />boundary line being also the centerline of San Leandro Creek; thence continuing <br />