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<br />Adopted 7/16/2001 - Effective 8/15/2001 <br />(includes amendments effective through 2007) <br /> <br />City of San Leandro Zoning Code - Article 6 <br /> <br />G. Provide sites for public and semipublic uses needed to complement <br />commercial development or compatible with a commercial environment. <br /> <br />The additional purposes of each C, P, NA, DA, and SA districts are as follows: <br /> <br />CC Commercial Community District. To provide sites for commercial centers containing a <br />wide variety of commercial establishments, including banking and financial <br />establishments and businesses selling home furnishings, apparel, durable goods, and <br />specialty items and generally having a citywide market area. Facilities, such as <br />entertainment, eating-and-drinking establishments, hotels and motels are permitted, <br />subject to certain limitations to avoid adverse effects on adjacent uses. <br /> <br />CD Commercial DO'ovntown District. To provide for a full range of retail and service uses, <br />banks and financial institutions, business and professional offices, restaurants, hotels or <br />motels, and other commercial activities appropriate for downtown San Leandro. <br />Residential uses are permitted above the ground floor. <br /> <br />CN Commercial Neiqhborhood District. To provide sites for businesses serving the daily <br />needs of nearby residential areas, subject to development standards that prevent <br />significant adverse effects on adjoining neighborhoods. In addition to uses serving nearby <br />residential areas, business and professional offices and residential uses are permitted <br />above the ground floor. <br /> <br />CR Commercial Recreation District. To provide sites for recreation-oriented uses and <br />commercial activities, such as hotels and restaurants that are compatible with water-front <br />, <br />recreation and open space uses, conveniently located near the marina. <br /> <br />C-RM Commercial-Reqional Mall District. To provide for development and operation of <br />large regional shopping malls to encourage the economic stability and viability of regional <br />malls, to recognize the unique characteristics of regional malls with regard to such factors <br />as mix of uses, scale and design, parking, traffic and transit, signage, and other factors, <br />and to promote the economic and fiscal prosperity of the City in accordance with the <br />General Plan. <br /> <br />CS Commercial Services District. To provide sites for commercial services, including <br />automobile sales and services, building materials, contractors' yards, warehousing, <br />storage and similar uses; offices not accessory to a permitted use are excluded. <br /> <br />DA-1 (Downtown Area 1). To implement specific provisions of the Downtown San <br />Leandro Transit-Oriented Development Strategy for the Downtown retail core <br />area centered on East 14th Street between Davis Street and Castro Street. Ground <br />floor retail is required on parcels fronting on East 14th Street and Washington <br />A venue and encouraged on all other parcels in this District. Residential mixed <br />use development is allowed and single use residential development is permitted <br />on parcels not fronting on the East 14th Street or Washington Avenue corridors. <br /> <br />AR.6 <br />Page 3 of 67 <br />