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2.5. Seismic evaluation and design of concrete buildings and concrete with masonry <br />infill buildings in all Occupancy Categories are permitted to be based on the <br />procedures specified in Appendix Chapter A5. <br />3. In accordance with ASCE 3 i based on the applicable performance level as shown in <br />Table 3403. <br />4. Those associated with the BSE-1 Earthquake Hazard Level defined in ASCE 41 and the <br />performance level as shown in Table 3403. Where ASCE 4l is used, the design <br />spectra] response acceleration parameters Sxs and SX~ shall not be taken less than 75 <br />percent of the respective design seismic coefficients 2.SCa and C~ as defined in Tables l6- <br />Q and 16-R of the Uniform Building Code. <br />3403.6.1.2 Wind Design. Wind design of existing buildings shall be based on the procedures <br />specified in the building code. <br />3403.6.2 Repairs to damaged buildings. Repairs to damaged buildings shall comply with this <br />section. <br />3403.6.2.1 Unsafe conditions. Regardless of the extent of structural damage, unsafe conditions <br />shall be eliminated. <br />3403.6.2.2 Substantial structural damage to vertical elements of the lateral-force-resisting <br />system. A building that has sustained substantial structural damage to the vertical elements of its <br />lateral-force-resisting system shall be evaluated and repaired in accordance with the applicable <br />provisions of Section 3403. through 3403. <br />3403. Evaluation. The building shall be evaluated by a registered design professional, and <br />the evaluation findings shall be submitted to the building official. The evaluation shall establish <br />whether the damaged building, if repaired to its pre-damage state, would comply with the <br />provisions of the building code. Wind forces for this evaluation shall be those prescribed in the <br />building code. Seismic forces for this evaluation are permitted to be the reduced level seismic <br />forces specified in Code Section 3403.6. ] .1.3. <br />3403. Extent of repair for compliant buildings. If the evaluation establishes compliance <br />of the pre-damage building in accordance with Section 3403., then repairs shall be <br />permitted that restore the building to its pre-damage state, using materials and strengths that <br />existed prior to the damage. <br />3403. Extent of repair for non-compliant buildings. If the evaluation does not establish <br />compliance of the pre-damage building in accordance with Section 3403.6.2.2.], then the <br />building shall be rehabilitated to comply with applicable provisions of the building code for load <br />combinations including wind or seismic forces. The wind design level for the repair shall be as <br />required by the building code in effect at the time of original construction unless the damage was <br />