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Rules and Communications Committee Page 2 <br />October 4, 2007 <br />Committee Recommendation: <br />None <br />2. Update on Instant Run-off Voting <br />City Clerk Handa provided an update on the status of the Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) system, <br />which has been submitted by the vendor for federal testing. She noted that the decision to either <br />change the date of the City's General Municipal Election from June to November, or to call the <br />election in June 2008, would need to be made no later than February 5, 2008. Hand counting <br />ballots for an IRV election is not considered by the County Registrar to be a viable option. <br />Chair Santos inquired about San Francisco's next municipal election date and the status of its <br />voting system. Staff will research and report this information to the Committee. <br />Committee Member Starosciak commented that she is opposed to IRV, and stated that it is <br />confusing, creates voter apathy and costs more than traditional voting methods. She requested a <br />cost breakdown for an IRV election. <br />Committee Recommendation: <br />None. <br />3. Discussion Regarding City Council Travel Advance/Reimbursement <br />Mr. Jermanis commented on the passage of AB 1234 and how it has changed the way <br />Councilmembers must report their travel expenses. He noted that some members have indicated <br />a preference for receiving per diem, and dispensing with the reporting expenses. <br />City Attorney Williams commented on the need for increased transparency and accountability <br />which inspired the passage of AB 1234. She noted that the expense report forms submitted by <br />the Council are public records subject to disclosure. <br />Committee Member Starosciak commented that she has experienced inconsistencies with the <br />administration of the expense reporting, and that there are no written procedures for the reporting <br />of travel expenses. She noted that there is no place on the form for reporting such items as tips <br />and parking. <br />Chair Santos noted that State legislators are exempt from AB 1234 requirements, and stated that <br />he would bring up the issue with Senator Perata's office. <br />Mr. Jermanis outlined the process for reporting travel expenses, and suggested the possibility of <br />eliminating travel advances. Chair Santos asked if the Council could still receive per diem. Ms. <br />Williams indicated that per diem must be accounted for and offset by receipts. <br />