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Rules and Communications Committee <br />October 4, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />Mr. Jermanis stated that staff would create guidelines for reporting travel expenses, review the <br />reimbursement policy for possible revisions, and bring the matter back to the Committee for <br />further review. <br />Committee Recommendation: <br />None. <br />4. Discussion Regarding CGI Community Video Project <br />PIO McCrea described the CGI Community Video Project, which will be rolled out at the end of <br />this year or early next year. The Project consists of a series often community videos which will <br />be linked to the City's website. The service will be free to the City, and CGI will solicit financial <br />sponsorship from local businesses for the project. CGI Communications is a partner to the U.S. <br />Conference of Mayors and has worked on similar projects with over 900 cities nationwide. Ms. <br />McCrea reported that CGI will begin filming in November. She showed online videos posted on <br />the websites of various cities, and stated that videos could also be accessed through <br /> off. <br />Mr. Jermanis stated that staff could bring the matter back for the Committee's review after the <br />videos have been completed. <br />Committee Member Gregory asked if there was any downside to this project. Ms. McCrea <br />commented that this is a "100% feel-good project" that can provide a good overview of San <br />Leandro to prospective businesses and visitors. She distributed to the Committee a community <br />survey which she compiled with a City staff team for CGI's use in developing video scripts, and <br />asked Committee members to contact her with any comments or questions about the survey. <br />5. Public Comments <br />None. <br />6. Committee Member Comments <br />Committee Member Gregory commented on the growing number of absentee voters. <br />7. Adjourn <br />The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. <br />