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Minutes 2007 1001
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Minutes 2007 1001
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10/17/2007 12:11:41 PM
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MINUTES Page 3 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-October 1, 2007 <br />6. CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS AND COMMENTS <br />City Manager Jermanis commented on MV Transportation, which provides transportation <br />service for the LINKS Shuttle. Documentation indicates that their employees are paid <br />according to the City's living wage ordinance. Regarding the dogs in Mr. Perez's <br />neighborhood, Mr. Jermanis indicated that the Police Department could verify that the dogs <br />are licensed. <br />Mr. Jermanis responded to the comments made by Ms. Rice and Mr. Manuel regarding the <br />conditions of approval imposed on developers by the Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) or <br />City Council He noted that the conditions are not discretionary interpretations by staff but <br />rather requirements which must be adhered to. Mr. Jermanis stated that the Building and <br />Planning divisions track a developer's compliance with the conditions while monitoring the <br />progress of a project. The developer must go back through the approval process if <br />modifications to the conditions of approval are desired. Interim Community Development <br />Director Luke Sims commented that some conditions, such as landscape plans, are detailed <br />plans approved by staff rather than the BZA or Council, and are monitored for compliance by <br />staff. Mr. Jermanis commented on the BZA's monitoring of Waste Management, noting the <br />Council's request that staff meet with the community regarding Waste Management <br />operations at least twice a year and provide feedback from these meetings to the BZA. <br />7. AMENDMENT OF CONSENT CALENDAR <br />City Councilmembers or staff have an opportunity at this time to request that an item be <br />removed from the Consent Calendar for the presentation of a staff report or other special <br />consideration. Members of the Public may request the opportunity to address the City <br />Council regarding items remaining on the Consent Calendar by filling out a speaker card and <br />submitting it to the City Clerk prior to the calling of Item 7, Amendment of Consent <br />Calendar. Items remaining on the Consent Calendar will be considered for approval under <br />one motion. <br />City Manager Jermanis noted that a revised version of the Fire Code has been provided to the <br />Council. He described the State-prescribed procedure for adoption of the Uniform Codes. <br />Consent Calendar was amended to remove Item 8.B. Item will be considered under <br />Item 9, Items Removed from Consent Calendar. <br />8. CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Consent Calendar items are considered for approval by the City Council with one single <br />action. As described above in Item 7, Amendment of Consent Calendar, the City Council <br />may remove items from the Consent Calendar for purposes of presentation or discussion. <br />Members of the public who have requested to address the Council regarding items remaining <br />on the Consent Calendar may do so for up to 3 minutes per item with a maximum of 5 <br />
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