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5-6-405. Maintenance <br />Any newsrack which rests, in whole or in part, upon or within public property or a public <br />right-of-way, or which projects onto, into or over public property or a public right-of-way <br />shall comply with the requirements set forth in this Article and with the following <br />standards: <br />(a) Each newsrack shall be maintained in a neat and clean condition and in good <br />repair at all times; for example, without limitation, the newsrack shall be reasonably free <br />of dirt and grease; be reasonably free of chipped, faded, peeling or cracked paint; be <br />reasonably free of rust and corrosion; have no broken or cracked plastic or glass parts; <br />and have no broken structural parts. <br />(b) The area in the immediate vicinity of each newsrack shall be maintained in a neat <br />and clean condition and clear of debris and discarded material, to the extent possible. <br />Repeated violations of this Section may warrant removal of the newsrack, in the <br />reasonable discretion of the Director. <br />(c) No newsrack may be chained, locked or tied to any other newsrack, street tree, <br />or any other public or privately owned fixture. <br />(d) Each coin-operated newsrack not in the Special Newsrack Districts shall be <br />equipped with acoin-return mechanism, which shall be maintained in good working <br />order. <br />(e) Upon the removal of any newsrack not in the Special Newsrack Districts, the <br />public right-of-way shall be returned to its original condition at the expense of the <br />newsrack operator, including, but not limited to, the repair of any damage that may have <br />been caused by the installation or use of the newsrack. <br />(f) The Director may declare additional standards specifically defining maintenance <br />requirements, and such standards must be consistent with the findings, intent and <br />purpose of this Chapter. <br />5-6-410. Placement <br />Any newsrack which rests, in whole or in part, upon or within public property or a public <br />right-of-way, or which projects onto, into or over public property or a public right-of-way <br />shall comply with the requirements set forth in this Article and with the following <br />standards: <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2005-004 <br />