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Proposed Zoning Code Amendment to add Article 32 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />F. Refurbishing and Restoration. All main buildings, structures, fences, <br />accessory buildings, sidewalks, driveways, landscaped areas, and <br />additional elements as required by the Zoning Enforcement Official shall be <br />refurbished and restored as necessary to achieve a high standard of <br />appearance, quality, and safety. The refurbishing and restoration is subject <br />to the review and approval by the Zoning Enforcement Official. <br />G. Landscape Maintenance. All landscaping and irrigation shall be restored <br />or new landscaping shall be installed to achieve a high degree of <br />appearance and quality. Provisions shall be made in the Covenants, <br />Conditions and Restrictions for continuing maintenance of all landscaped <br />areas. Existing landscaping and irrigation systems are subject to review <br />and approval by the Community Development Department. If new <br />landscaping is proposed, the design of all landscaping and irrigation is <br />subject to review and approval of the Zoning Enforcement Official. <br />H. Trash Enclosures and Solid Waste Disposal. All trash enclosures, trash <br />bins, recycling bins and disposal schedules for solid waste shall be subject <br />to the review and approval of the Environmental Services Division. <br />Covenants Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). Prior to issuance of a <br />Final Map, applicant shall prepare and submit for review and approval of the <br />City all rules and regulations which would be applied on behalf of the <br />owners of condominium units within the project. The CC&Rs shall include, <br />but not be limited to: a description of the authority of the Property Owners' <br />Association; the resale of units; the assignment of parking and storage <br />areas; a description of all land or building area to be owned in common; and <br />an agreement for common area maintenance, together with an estimate of <br />any initial assessment fees anticipated for such maintenance, and an <br />indication of appropriate responsibilities for the maintenance of all utility <br />lines and services for each unit. <br />J. Contingency or Reserve Fund. The intent of the City in requiring the <br />creation of a contingency or reserve fund for condominium conversions is to <br />provide a surety for unexpected or emergency repairs to common areas in <br />the interest of the economic, aesthetic, and environmental maintenance of <br />the community, as well as to protect the general welfare, public health, and <br />safety of the community. The applicant shall ensure that each unit is <br />obligated to pay an assessment to allow for the proper maintenance of the <br />common areas, along with a contingency to address extraordinary repairs, <br />replacements, and maintenance. Formation of a Property Owners <br />Association and levying of regular and .special assessments shall conform <br />to Civil Code section 1366. <br />AR.32 <br />Page6of8 <br />