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Proposed Zoning Code Amendment to add Article 32 <br />5-3212 Application Notification <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Applications for condominium conversions shall include the following procedures as they <br />relate to notification of current tenants and adjacent property owners. <br />Notice of an application for a Zoning Permit shall be mailed by the City to property owners <br />and business establishments within a 300-foot radius of the subject site, not less than ten <br />(10) days prior to action on the application by the Zoning Enforcement Official. <br />Additionally, such notice shall be mailed by the City to each tenant of the proposed <br />project. <br />If an administrative hearing, or a public hearing if the case is referred to the Planning <br />Commission, is proposed, the time, date and location shall be included in the notice. <br />Upon review of the application and any correspondence received from those sent notice <br />of the application, the Zoning Enforcement Official may take action on the application <br />without holding an administrative hearing. The Zoning Enforcement Official has the <br />discretion to hold an administrative hearing or refer the case to the Planning Commission, <br />should a determination be made that a particular application raises significant City policy <br />issues. <br />5-3214 Required Findings <br />The Zoning Enforcement Official may approve, or conditionally approve, the Zoning <br />Permit if it determines that the following requirements are met: <br />A. That all the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act, this Code, and other <br />applicable provisions of the Municipal Code are met; <br />B. That the proposed conversion is consistent with the General Plan Land Use <br />Map and any applicable policies. <br />C. That the proposed conversion will conform to the provisions of this Code in <br />effect at the time of approval, except as otherwise provided in this Section; <br />D. That the overall design and physical condition of the condominium <br />conversion will achieve a high standard of appearance, quality, useful life, <br />and safety; <br />5-3216 Referral to Planning Commission <br />A. If, upon conclusion of an administrative review or hearing on the Zoning <br />Permit, the Zoning Enforcement Official (ZEO) determines that a particular <br />application raises significant City policy issues, the ZEO may refer the <br />application to the Planning Commission along with his/her <br />AR.32 <br />Page 7 of 8 <br />