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Four hundred registered voters will be polled between 5 pm and 9 pm and preliminary results <br />will be received in early December. A report should be available for the Committee's <br />January meeting. <br />3. Update on Federal Funding for Channel Dredging <br />City Manager Jermanis reported that Assistant City Manager Hollister has been working with <br />Len Simon's office, our Washington, DC lobbyist, to determine if the $2.5 million earmark <br />for channel dredging added by Representative Stark has been approved. Manager Hollister <br />explained that it is unclear if the presidential override of the Energy and Water Appropriation <br />Bill includes the $2.5 million appropriation. Public Works Director Bakaldin added that if <br />funding for dredging is not identified by January 2008, there will not be sufficient time to <br />dredge during the 2008 cycle. <br />4. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Prola inquired about implementation of the Master Plan for bike paths at the <br />Shoreline—Marina Area. He also shared that he was happy ESA's report was so <br />comprehensive and that his vision is not one of high density development. <br />Councilmember Starosciak inquired if the oil slick has been observed close to the Shoreline - <br />Marina Area. Director Bakaldin reported that he had spoken with the Harbormaster prior to <br />the meeting and there are no visible signs of the slick. Open Space Manager Pollart further <br />explained that as a precautionary measure, the tidal gates to the marshes were closed on <br />Friday. <br />5. Public Comments <br />Chamber of Commerce CEO Gentry shared that the Chamber is pleased that the City is <br />moving forward with the survey as they believe it will provide relevant input from the public. <br />Resident Audrey Albers shared that she hopes the City does not get so impressed with <br />developers ideas that we over develop the area. She also shared her belief that people are not <br />interested in residential development and that all land should remain public. <br />6. Adjourn <br />The meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m. <br />G:ADEPT\Committees\Marina CommitteeA 1-13-07\11-13-07 Marina Highlights.docx 3 <br />