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Sheyner reviewed the possible constraints in the following categories: land use, <br />wetlands/plants, wildlife, geology and soils, hazardous materials, hydrology and water <br />quality, traffic and circulation, noise, air quality, public services and utilities, and recreation. <br />The conclusion was that there are no fatal flaws to development. There may be some issues <br />regarding biological resources due to regulatory requirements should the four sub -areas be <br />developed. Development of the DMMS into a regional facility would raise traffic and <br />circulation as well as air quality concerns. (ESA's powerpoint presentation is attached and <br />the report can be found at: <br />Councilmember Starosciak asked if the Bay Conservation and Development Commission <br />(BCDC) had concerns due to the possible rising of the bay. Oates responded that although <br />BCDC has raised concerns regarding expansion of the bay due to rising water levels, this has <br />not had any impact on specific projects. A discussion ensued regarding BCDC's jurisdiction <br />which is 100 feet from the mean tide line. <br />Councilmember Starosciak also shared that the Oakland Airport now makes developers <br />responsible for noise abatement in the contour area and that that their requirements would <br />apply to any residential development at the Shoreline -Marina Area. <br />Councilmember Prola clarified that Comcast's current site was included in the study and <br />expressed concerns regarding inclusion of the Mulford -Marina Branch Library. City <br />Manager Jermanis clarified that there is no plan to close the library and shared that the City <br />has submitted an application to the State for grant funds to expand the branch library and that <br />the Board of Zoning Adjustments approved the project as proposed. <br />Councilmember Starosciak shared concerns regarding the Monarch butterfly habitat and <br />wanted to ensure the trees where they over winter are protected, as the butterflies are an <br />important tourist attraction and San Leandro is an essential resting place on their migratory <br />path. Staff responded that although the butterfly habitat is not included in the report, note <br />will be made that the area is not to be disturbed and also clarified that any decision regarding <br />development will need environmental and Council approval. <br />Councilmember Prola raised concerns about taking property on Neptune Drive by eminent <br />domain. He also expressed his belief that residents would strongly opposed expanded use of <br />the DMMS. <br />Councilmember Starosciak asked that hard copies of the report be made available at all <br />libraries. <br />2. Update on the City of San Leandro 2007 Revenue Measure Feasibility Survey <br />City Manager Jermanis introduced Assistant to the City Manager Battenberg who reviewed <br />the status of the public opinion poll being conducted by Godbe Research. She reported that a <br />task force of the Shoreline -Marina Committee provided valuable input into the survey design <br />and that Godbe tested the survey last week and is currently conducting the telephone survey. <br />2 <br />