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4. Solid waste is transferred only once and directly from one covered <br />container or vehicle to another covered container or vehicle so that the <br />waste is never put on the ground or outside the confines of a container or <br />vehicle, before, during, or after transfer. Direct transfer would not include <br />top loading trailers where the solid waste actually leaves the confines of <br />the collection vehicle and is suspended in air before falling into a transfer <br />vehicle; <br />5. All of the contents of the original transferring container or vehicle must <br />be emptied during a single transfer; and <br />6. Any waste that may unintentionally fall outside of the containers or <br />vehicles is promptly cleaned up and replaced within the container or <br />vehicle to which it was being transferred. <br />B. Green waste and mixed construction debris shall not be stored outside the confines <br />of the Direct Transfer facility or Recycling facility building. <br />C. The Recycling facility operations shall continue to process only paper, cardboard, <br />glass, cans and plastic, as originally approved. At no time shall municipal solid <br />waste be processed through the Recycling facility. <br />D. Review of this Conditional Use approval shall be provided to the Board of Zoning <br />Adjustments, annually. The review shall address the traffic impacts, noise, odor <br />and emissions resulting from the increased daily tons per day and resulting <br />additional truck trips per day. Noticing for the review shall be extended from the <br />normal 300-foot radius to a 1000-foot radius and shall also be sent to the <br />following interested homeowner's groups: <br />1. Davis West Neighborhood Group <br />2. Marina Action Committee <br />E. The approvals granted by the City as a result of this application, as well as the <br />Conditions of Approval, shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of <br />Alameda County. <br />F. No application for amendment of the application or Conditions of Approval maybe <br />submitted or accepted for processing by the City unless (i) there is full compliance <br />with all terms of the application and Conditions of Approval; or (ii) the <br />Development Services Director waives compliance with the terms of the application <br />and Conditions of Approval pending application for amendment. <br />G. Pursuant to Zoning Code Section 5-2218, this approval shall lapse on February 15, <br />2008, unless a) approval of required State and County permits have been issued, <br />coupled with diligent progress evidencing a good faith intent to commence the <br />intended use, or b) a written request for aone-year extension of the use permit is <br />approved by the Zoning Enforcement Official. <br />Agreement to Conditions February 15, 2007 <br />PLN2006-00061 Page 4 of 4 <br />