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III. PLAN SUBMITTAL FOR PROJECT SITE IMPROVEMENTS <br />A. Within 30 days of the approval date of this conditional use application, the <br />exterior of the building shall be high pressure washed to remove the dirt and stains <br />on the building walls. In addition, within 45 days of the approval date of this <br />conditional use application the painted exterior trim color and exterior lighting <br />shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. <br />Prior to application of the exterior building trim paint color and the exterior light <br />fixtures, the locations, details, and specifications shall be submitted to the <br />Community Development Director for review and approval. <br />B. Within 30 days of the approval date of this conditional use application, a final <br />landscaping and irritation plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer and <br />Community Development Director for review and approval of an Encroachment <br />Permit. The final landscape plan shall refurbish the existing landscape planters <br />and parkway strips along the Alvarado Street frontage with new trees, flowering <br />shrubs and ground cover. The existing olive trees may be saved with the <br />appropriate study from a Certified Arborist assessing the health of the trees and <br />recommendations. Within 30 days of approval of a final landscape and irrigation <br />plan, the landscaping and irrigation plan shall be completed to the satisfaction of <br />the City Engineer and Community Development Director. <br />C. Within 30 days of the approval date of this conditional use application, a final <br />sign program shall be submitted to the Building Services Division for a sign <br />permit. Said sign program shall include a wall sign or individual letters on the <br />exterior of the building centered above the roll-up doors. Details including, but <br />not limited to size, colors, materials and finishes shall be subject to the review and <br />approval of the Community Development Director. The overall sign area for the <br />sign program shall conform with the City's Zoning Code relating to signs, Article <br />18. Any unauthorized exterior signs including but not limited to extraneous signs <br />advertising products, services, phone numbers, or temporary banners shall <br />prohibited on the exterior of the building. Temporary signs may only be permitted <br />on the property through approval of a temporary sign permit filed with the <br />Community Development Department. Said temporary sign permits are limited to <br />a maximum of two 15 day periods per year. <br />IV. MAINTENANCE <br />A. No automotive repair or servicing work shall be conducted outside the building or <br />the public right-of--way, including performing inspections for cost estimates for <br />service. There shall be no body or fender work performed on the property. <br />B. No "For Sale" signs shall be placed on the vehicles stored outdoors on the property. <br />No sales of vehicles are permitted from the site. <br />C. The use permit conditions of approval shall be made accessible to all employees on <br />Agreement to Conditions October 20, 2005 <br />PLN2005-00089 Page 4 of 8 <br />