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registered regarding noise from the speaker box, the City reserves the right to <br />bring this matter back to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for consideration. <br />C. These conditions of approval shall be posted in the building prior to opening the <br />business on the property, and shall be made accessible to all employees. <br />III. ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS <br />A. Landscaping <br />1. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall submit final landscape and <br />irrigation plans for the review and approval of the Community Development <br />Director. The plans shall include such details as, 1) tree size, species and location; <br />2) shrubs and groundcovers; 3) installation specifications; 4) irrigation details; 5) <br />water conservation techniques; and 6) maintenance programs. To reduce on-site <br />water consumption and reduce the energy required for the pumping and distribution <br />of water, drought-resistant native species shall be used for site landscaping where <br />possible. The City may retain a landscape architect to review the final landscape <br />and irrigation plans to ensure compliance with the exhibits showing landscaping. <br />The developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with the review of the <br />final landscape and irrigation plans. <br />2. Street trees shall be minimum 24-inch box trees installed in sidewalk tree wells with <br />tree grates, per City standards. <br />3. Any above-ground back-flow preventors shall be adequately screened to the <br />satisfaction of the Community Development Director. <br />4. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall submit final plans and <br />details for all fencing (including drive-up facility and outdoor eating area screen <br />fences) for the review and approval of the Community Development Director. The <br />plans and details shall show location, height, decorative features, and construction <br />details showing materials and finishes to be used for construction. <br />5. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shall submit revised site <br />plans and landscape plans (Exhibits A and B) showing details of the proposed <br />hardscape areas for review and approval of the Community Development Director. <br />Said plans shall include: <br />i. Decorative paving (colored concrete) throughout the drive-up aisle. <br />ii. Stamped concrete for the crosswalk area that connects to the parking lot <br />walkway in lieu of the proposed painted asphalt as proposed. <br />6. All landscaping improvements shall be maintained in a healthy, growing and weed <br />free condition at all times and in accordance with the approved landscape plan. Any <br />dead, missing, or unhealthy plant materials shall be immediately replaced. No trees <br />Agreement to Conditions November 17, 2005 <br />PLN2005-00111 Page 4 of 4 <br />