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shall be removed without the prior authorization of the Community Development <br />Director. The irrigation system shall be regularly adjusted and repaired as necessary <br />for maximum water efficiency and conservation. <br />B. Signage and Exterior Building Features <br />1. Prior to issuance of building permits, details of all proposed signage (including <br />building identification and directionaUdrive-up informational signage) shall be <br />submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Director. Wall <br />signage shall be individual, halo-lit letters. <br />2. Prior to issuance of building permits, revised elevations and details of the exterior <br />finishes shall be submitted and for review and approval by the Community <br />Development Director. Said elevations shall include the following modification to <br />Exhibit E -Elevations: <br />i. Horizontal "parklex" 6-inch wide board for the center entry tower on the <br />South Elevation. <br />ii. Decorative metal finish or stone frame for the "thru wall fireplace" adjacent <br />to the outdoor seating area. <br />iii. A revised color board to show a warmer, more vibrant color for the cement <br />plaster ("stucco") finish. <br />3. Waterproof coating for the cement plaster exterior shall be provided to prevent <br />staining and water discoloration. <br />C. Lighting <br />Prior to issuance of building permits, an on-site lighting plan including <br />specifications of lighting standards and photometric calculations shall be submitted <br />for review and approval of the CommLUlity Development Director and the <br />Engineering and Transportation Department. Said plan shall include details <br />regarding location, pole height, luminaire type, manufacture/model number, bulb <br />type, candle power, and light levels. <br />2. On-site lighting shall be high-pressure sodium or other energy-conserving lighting <br />and shall be designed and located so as to not interfere with traffic on adjacent <br />streets and so as not to shine on adjacent properties, details subject to the approval <br />of the City Engineer and the Community Development Director. After installation, <br />the Community Development Director reserves the right to require adjustment of <br />light fixtures to comply with this requirement prior to approval of occupancy. <br />Agreement to Conditions November 17, 2005 <br />PLN2005-00111 Page 5 of 5 <br />