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In addition to the programs and initiatives outlined in the 2004-2009 Implementation Plan, the <br />Agency: <br />• Continues to facilitate business development efforts and is currently developing a <br />downtown retail strategy to brand and market the downtown to attract new retail <br />businesses and restaurants and encourage facade and building improvements to revitalize <br />the area. <br />Public Improvements Objective: Upgrade the appearance of the Project Area visible to the <br />public, so that it will be more inviting to consumers and residents, stimulating increased sales <br />and private investment in the area. <br />Public Improvements Programs: The Agency has committed resources to capital <br />improvement projects of public benefit. The highest priority is expected to be given to <br />completing the following projects, which are partially funded from the Plaza 2002 Tax <br />Allocation Bonds (TABs): <br />• The Agency completed construction on the East 14th Street portion of the Downtown <br />Pedestrian Enhancements and the Davis/East 14th Street Lighting and Pedestrian <br />Improvements in and around the San Leandro Plaza. These improvements included <br />public parking upgrades, streetscape enhancements and pedestrian and lighting amenities. <br />Construction of the remaining Downtown Pedestrian Enhancements from Davis Street to <br />Parrott Street, including the closure of West Joaquin Street and addition of a pedestrian <br />plaza and fountain, are scheduled for completion in 2008. <br />• As part of the larger West Estudillo Pedestrian Enhancements, the San Leandro <br />History Walk, which highlights historic structures and historic events in the City, was <br />completed in 2006. <br />Additional capital improvement projects in the Plaza, which are identified as priorities and <br />intended to be implemented in pursuit of the capital improvements objective, include: <br />• The reconstruction and/or significant repair of aging infrastructure such as streets, curbs <br />and sidewalks, and the undergrounding of utilities along major arterials and other major <br />corridors in the Plaza. <br />Table 3 on the following page contains the 2004-2009 Implementation Plan projected funds <br />allocation while Table 3a shows the actual Plaza fund allocations through FY 2006-07 and the <br />budgeted amounts for FY 2007-08 and FY 2008-09. <br />Mid-Term Review Page 4 <br />