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CitySLUSD Liaison Highlights 2007 1205 v1
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CitySLUSD Liaison Highlights 2007 1205 v1
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12/19/2007 1:23:31 PM
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Evaluation of Aquatic Facilities <br />City of San Leandro <br />San Leandro High School <br />F. CODE DEFICIENCIES -SAN LEANDRO HIGH SCHOOL <br />The two San Leandro High school pools are treated as a single body of water. Equalizer <br />lines and connected plumbing commingle the water of both pools to a single water <br />treatment system in violation of Title 24, Chapter 31B: <br />3123B.1 System Description. Each pool shall be provided with a separate <br />recirculation and treatment system designed for continuous recirculation, filtration and <br />disinfection of the pool water. The system shall consist of pumps, filters, chemical <br />feeders, skimmers or perimeter overflow systems, and all valves, pipes, connections <br />fittings and appurtenances. <br />The mechanical piping should be removed and replaced with independent piping to each <br />pool and a separate set of mechanical equipment should be installed to provide two <br />separate bodies of water as required by code. This work should be done at the time that <br />the pool decks are to be replaced so as to provide exposure to the underground piping. <br />(Expected Cost $91,000.00) <br />2. The pool decking is cracked in several places with lateral separation. The pool deck <br />coatings and paint finishes are peeling creating a trip hazard in violation of Title 24, <br />Chapter 31B: <br />3113B.1 General. A minimum continuous and unobstructed 4 foot-wide (1,219 <br />mm) slip resistant nonabrasive deck area of concrete or like material shall be provided <br />flush with the top of the pool shell wall extending completely around the pool and the <br />deck area shall further extend 4 feet (1,219 mm) on both sides and rear of any diving <br />board or slide and their appurtenances. The deck width shall be measured from the <br />poolside edge of the coping lip. <br />All decking should be replaced with a medium broom finish, directed to approved <br />drainage devices. Cost includes demo of existing deck, new broom finish decks and new <br />deck slot drains. (SEE EXHIBIT 22 & 23) <br />(Estimated Cost: $181,000.00) <br />Exhibit 22: San Leandro High Pool Deck Delamination <br />November 2001 Aquatic Design Group, Inc. <br />
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