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SEWER SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PLAN <br />DEVELOPMENT PLAN and SCHEDULE <br />City of San Leandro Water Pollution Control Division <br />Updated November 2007 <br />Pian Development <br />The City of San Leandro over the last several years has, or is in the process of, implementing many of the <br />elements and associated activities that comply with the required elements of the Sewer System <br />Management Plan (SSMP). The City has reviewed the SSMP requirements in order to determine what <br />elements have previously been completed, those that will be updated, and those that need to be further <br />developed. The SSMP development plan and schedule therefore reflects the tasks and activities to <br />assess and assign the staff resources necessary to complete this effort. As information is reviewed for <br />completeness, elements within our existing SSMP may change to reflect the most up-to-date and <br />accurate information available. <br />Specific SSMP requirements needing comment, action or review are presented in an outline form in this <br />Plan. The Plan is organized sequentially where each section of the Plan follows the WDR requirements. <br />Volume 1 of our final SSMP will have expanded responses to the action items (as necessary) and will be <br />a narrative summary of how we will or are complying with each WDR element. <br />Volume 2 will contain those specific support documents needed for quick access by staff or auditors. <br />Other major documents, plans, engineering standards, operations and maintenance databases, and <br />related background information will be referred to in the Appendix section of Volume 1 of the final <br />SSMP as well as where the actual data is stored or maintained. <br />The Table of Contents for the final SSMP will be based on each major element of the WDR and the <br />Monitoring and Reporting (M&R) Program for the Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for <br />Sanitary Sewer Systems. The SSMP includes eleven sections, as follows: <br />I. Goals <br />II. Organization <br />III. Legal Authority <br />IV. Operations and Maintenance Program <br />V. Design and Construction Standards <br />VI. Overflow Emergency Response Plan <br />VII. Fats, Oils and Grease Control Program <br />VIII.Capacity Assurance Program <br />IX. Monitoring, Measurement Program <br />X. SSMP Audits <br />XI. Communication Program <br />The following outlines the City's plan for addressing each element of the SSMP: <br />