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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />The scope of services for this contract shall include a concrete forensic analysis of the following <br />structures using nondestructive evaluation supplemented with detail laboratory examinations: <br />1. Sedimentation Basins & distribution boxes <br />2. Fixed film reactor concrete base & distribution boxes <br />3. Influent Pump Station wet wells & influent channels <br />4. Primary Clarifiers 1 & 2 <br />5. Digester No. 1 <br />6. Digester No. 2 <br />7. #3 Clarifier Lift pump station <br />8. EBDA Effluent Boxes <br />9. Secondary (Final) Clarifiers 3 & 4 <br />10. Chlorine Contact Tank <br />The Consultant shall provide sufficient, in-house engineering staff knowledgeable in the <br />evaluation of concrete structures, including visual inspection and laboratory testing. The project <br />staffing will include five professionals for the field investigation, including the project manager. <br />A minimum of three staff will be on site during the days of field investigation for recording <br />observations of existing conditions. The Consultant will also provide laboratory staff for in-depth <br />concrete evaluation, including petrographers for microscopic examination, chemists for chemical <br />analyses, and support personnel for preparation and handling of samples. <br />The first phase of the investigation will include a visual observation of the structures and the <br />second phase will include laboratory testing of samples of the concrete from the structures. <br />These phases are described below. <br />Visual Observation -The Consultant will perform a visual survey of accessible areas of each of <br />the structures to assess the condition of the concrete elements. For some of the structures access <br />will be limited to the exterior of the structure due to on-going operations. Where interior access <br />is possible, the Consultant will survey the accessible interior surfaces. During the visual surveys, <br />the Consultant will document areas of cracks, spalls, and other surface anomalies. Locations <br />suggesting leakage will be noted. As required, the Consultant will also employ various <br />nondestructive methods to further study surface anomalies and to confirm as-built construction <br />details such as location of reinforcing steel and member thickness. Nondestructive techniques <br />commonly executed by the Consultant in the assessment of concrete structures may also be used <br />and may include ground penetrating radar to detect embedded steel; impact-echo and ultrasonic <br />pulse-velocity to detect subsurface voids or cracks; infrared thermography to detect leakage and <br />near-surface defects; and half-cell potential or linear polarization testing to determine corrosion <br />potential or corrosion rates, respectively. <br />WPCP Concrete Forensic Analysis January 8, 2008 <br />07-593-52-239 Page 15 of 18 <br />