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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Project Open Doors <br />Project Description and Background: <br />Building Futures with Women and Children (BFWC) houses homeless and abused women and their <br />children in San Leandro and Alameda. BFWC operates two emergency homeless shelters, one domestic <br />violence safe house, and 52 units of supportive housing. At all of our sites, BFWC offers case <br />management, therapeutic services, and children's programming. Building Futures also provides supportive <br />services to 12 families who are "graduates" of our programs who now live in their own apartments. <br />Each year, BFWC houses about 875 women and children, many of whom have never known stability, <br />safety, or had access to resources that would help them rebuild their lives. Our case management services <br />"meet women where they are" and help them move forward. All of the women we serve in our shelters are <br />extremely low-income and homeless. 70% are survivors of domestic abuse. 40% have histories of <br />substance abuse, and 25% are seriously mentally ill. <br />At all of BFWC's sites, BFWC aims to provide and instill a sense of community among the women and <br />children we serve. At Bessie Coleman Court ("BCC"), BFWC's 52-unit supportive housing program on the <br />former Alameda Naval Air Station, clients are either housed in permanent units or in transitional units, <br />where they can live for up to two years. <br />For the last two years, Building Futures has been involved in two regional initiatives that advance the <br />mission of ending homelessness. During 2005 and 2006, the Charles & Helen Schwab Foundation's <br />Shifting Gears Initiative brought together a select group of nine Bay Area homeless organizations to <br />develop and implement "Housing First" approaches to serving homeless families. This national, evidence- <br />based approach focuses on creating permanent housing as the primary solution to ending homelessness. <br />Simultaneously, Building Futures played a major leadership role in the development of Alameda County's <br />plan to end homelessness. The plan, known as Everyone Home, focuses on the creation of 15,000 <br />permanent, supportive housing units in Alameda County over the next 15 years. This historic initiative has <br />been adopted by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors and most of the local cities. Building Futures <br />will continue to play a leadership role in the implementation of the plan's goals. <br />Industry Change -Supportive Housing <br />The field of homeless services is changing, and policy makers are looking to end homelessness, no longer <br />merely to "manage it" through emergency shelters alone. The development of affordable housing, with <br />supportive services to help residents stabilize and build new and lasting communities, is the cornerstone of <br />this change. BFWC's participation in Shifting Gears and Everyone Home convinced its Board of Directors <br />Consulting Services Agreement between February 20, 2008 <br />Redevelopment Agency of San Leandro and BFWC--Exhibit A Page 1 of 3 <br />