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MINUTES Page 3 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-January 22, 200$ <br />Owner); RM-1800 (PD) Residential Multiple-Family, Planned Development Overlay <br />District. <br />This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above matter, City Manager <br />Jermanis provided background on the matter and introduced Planner Elmer Penaranda. <br />Mr. Penaranda gave a short PowerPoint presentation, describing the project, then <br />responded to questions from the Council. <br />Councilmember Prola stated that he would support a higher percentage of inclusionary <br />units than the required 15%. He pointed out that the Inclusionary Ordinance requires <br />that "at least 15% of the total units must be inclusionary units," but the Applicant is only <br />providing 14 units, which is 14.58%. Councilmember Prola asked if the Applicant <br />would be willing to provide one additional inclusionary unit in order to provide the full <br />15%. Mr. Penaranda indicated that staff has not made this request; however, it is within <br />the Council's purview to make this request of the Applicant. Mr. Jermanis stated that <br />the formula contained in the ordinance for calculating the required number of units <br />rounds the fractional number of units up or down to the nearest whole number. Mr. <br />Jermanis commented that at its upcoming work session on housing, the Council may <br />want to revisit this methodology. He pointed out that the developer has met the <br />obligation under the current ordinance, but could elect to provide more units than are <br />required. <br />Kathy Oesten eich, the Applicant, gave a short PowerPoint presentation, providing <br />additional details on the proposed condominium conversion project and showing <br />~~ pictures illustrating the tree issues that exist on the site. <br />Councilmember Prola asked Ms. Oesterreich if Davidon would be willing to provide an <br />additional inclusionary unit, for a total of 15, so that the 15% requirement could be met. <br />Ms. Oesterreich stated that Davidon would provide the additional inclusionary unit. <br />Ms. Oesterreich responded to questions from Councilmember Starosciak regarding the <br />redwood trees to be removed. <br />Councilmember Stephens inquired about installing washers and dryers in all units, the <br />upgrades being made to the units, of what material the flooring was made, and the <br />amount of sheetrock between the units. Ms. Oesterreich replied that structurally, the <br />buildings would not allow a washer and dryer in each unit. She described the process <br />for upgrading the units, indicated that the floors were a lightweight concrete, and stated <br />that she was unsure about the sheetrock, but that the units had been built to Code. <br />Councilmember Gregory asked how many tenants intended to move and how many <br />would be staying. Ms. Oesterreich stated that due to the current housing market, <br />Davidon has not given the residents notice to vacate. if Davidon receives final map <br />approval, it will wait for favorable market conditions before converting the units to <br />ownership units. <br />