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Woodside Apartments Conversion; PLN2006-00059 2 7anuary 22, 2008 <br />Recommendation: <br />The Planning Commission and staff recommend that the City Council approve the following: <br />1. The Use Permit to convert the rental units at the Woodside Apartments into <br />condominium units for individual ownership subject to recommended findings and <br />conditions of approval by motion. <br />2. The Vesting Tentative Map Tract 7767 and Condominium Plan to subdivide the subject <br />property for condominium ownership by adopting the attached Resolution. <br />BACKGROUND <br />• The existing off-street parking consists of 167 parking spaces which is equivalent to 1.74 <br />spaces per unit. The applicant proposes to redesign the parking area in front of the property <br />by reducing the landscaped setback along Haas Avenue and the landscaped planter in front of <br />apartment Building A and by restriping the parking under apartment Building A. The <br />proposed redesign and restriping would result in a total of 180 parking spaces that would be <br />provided on the site where a total of 179 pazking spaces are required. A total of 179 parking <br />spaces were derived, using the current off-street parking requirements for multi-family uses <br />of 1.5 spaces per one-bedroom units and 2.25 spaces per two-bedroom units (Zoning Code <br />Article 17). This requirement is equivalent to 1.86 parking spaces per unit. <br />• To mitigate the reduction of the landscaped area to accommodate an increase in pazking <br />spaces, the proposed landscape plan includes various improvements within the reduced <br />landscape setback along the Haas Avenue street frontage. The improvements include a <br />composition of azchitectural enhancements such as low screen walls and arbors/trellises <br />supplemented with new trees, shrubs, ground covers and vine plantings. A new center island <br />within the parking area would be landscaped with a similar palette of trees, shrubs and <br />ground cover. <br />• Although the applicant wanted to comply with the City Council Business Development Sub- <br />committee's recommendation from November 2006 and the Commission's and staff's <br />recommendation from the January 2007 work session to retain all of the redwood trees (eight <br />of them) in front of Building A, an azborist (HortScience) conducted an evaluation of the <br />redwoods that recommended the removal of three of the trees. The redwood trees <br />aesthetically soften and buffer the four-story mass of Building A from the front on Haas <br />Avenue. However, as indicated by the azborist in the tree report there are other factors to <br />consider that make it necessary to remove three of the redwoods in front of Building A. First, <br />the row of five redwoods in front of Building A have grown so large that that their close <br />spacing to one another and close spacing to the building have led to their overcrowded <br />growing condition and restricted growth due to the building. The tree report recommends that <br />the first, third and fifth tree be retained and the second and fourth trees be removed <br />(identified as 342 and 344 in the tree survey map) to give the remaining trees more space for <br />a healthier living environment. The report also explains that the trees are so dense and <br />overcrowded that the living units adjacent to the trees have limited natural light and air. The <br />removal of the second and fourth tree and the selective pruning of the retained trees would <br />