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T0: Planning Commission, City of San Leandro April 2, 2007 <br />City Council, City of San Leandro <br />We understand that Faith Fellowship Church has purchased an industrial building on 14600 Catalina <br />Avenue (46,080 sq. ft., 3-1/2 acres) to relocate from its current site on Manor Blvd., which they have <br />apparently outgrown. This church surveyed some of the neighboring industrial property owners about <br />their relocation to this area. However, none of the neighborhood homeowner associations or residents <br />have been contacted. <br />As residents who live on Doolittle Drive and Belvedere Avenue near this industrial building, we are very <br />concerned about the negative impacts to our neighborhood and to the City of San Leandro. Church <br />activities occur Sunday through Friday, mornings and/or evenings, with the greatest number of members, <br />1,500+ attending Sunday services and 400-500 attending a Wednesday night bible study and family <br />dinner. Some issues of concern are: <br />1. Traffic. Will there be 100's of automobiles on Sunday and Wednesday each week traveling <br />down Doolittle Drive to turn left at the stop (no stop light) at Farallon to access Catalina? <br />Additionally, in the past, the dead end of Doolittle Drive was used as a turnaround by trucks and <br />some autos to avoid the stop and then make a right turn on Farallon. To avoid long lines at the <br />stop, one could imagine many church attendees doing the same maneuver. The City posted signs <br />that trucks could only access the dead end for delivery. <br />This volume of traffic will cause congestion, noise and pollution to our neighborhood. What <br />about residents of Marina Faire who attempt to exit from Bermuda Avenue onto Doolittle, which <br />currently can be challenging? What about the volume of traffic on other streets, such as Fairway, <br />Marina? <br />2. Parking. Currently, residents and business owners near the Manor church location have on- <br />going parking issues with the church members. We understand that City representatives have <br />had to mediate on behalf of the residents and business owners. With 1500+ members, we can <br />also anticipate a spillover into our neighborhood and on-going parking issues. <br />3. Zoning and Tag Implications. The church purchased this industrially zoned building without <br />permission for church assembly usage. Will this church or other churches be allowed to violate <br />the zoning codes, operating and expanding in inappropriate areas, thus potentially causing <br />disruptions to neighborhoods and depriving the city of needed tax revenue? <br />Since the church has already outgrown its present location on Manor Blvd. to expand to 1,500+ <br />members, there is the potential to expand its membership further, exacerbating the issues stated above. <br />We urge the Planning Commission and the City Council to deny permission for the industrial property <br />on Catalina to be utilized for church assembly usage. Thank you for your consideration. <br />Ed Jaramillo, President . <br />Marina West Homeowners Assn. <br />Doolittle Drive/Belvedere Avenue <br />A <br />Kathy Sanchez, President <br />Marina Garden Homeowners Assn. <br />Doolittle Drive/Belvedere Avenue <br />