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Mid-Year Adjustments Fiscal Year 2007-2008 <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />FISCAL YEAR 2007-08 <br />RECOMMENDED BUDGET AD7USTMENTS <br />Resolution 2008 <br />Schedule B <br />Amount <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUND <br />Revenue Budget Adjustments: <br />Adjust Revenue Estimate for Reimbursable Projects $ 938,145 <br />Total Increase in Revenues $ 938,145 <br />Expenditure Budget Adjustments: <br />Adjust Expenditures to Match Council Approved Action Plan $ 1,241 <br />Total Decrease to Expenditures $ 1,241 <br />Total Increase to Projected Ending Fund Balance $ 939,386 <br />HOUSING IN-LIEU FUND <br />Expenditure Budget Adjustments: <br />Eden Housing Inc. Affordable Senior Housing Project $ (637,000) <br />Total Increase in Expenditures and <br />Decrease to Projected Ending Fund Balance $ (637,000) <br />WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT ENTERPRISE FUND <br />Expenditure Budget Adjustments: <br />Reduce Funding for 2005 Sewer Point Repairs Project $ 806,788 <br />Reduce Funding for Primary Sedimentation Basin Rehab Design 200,000 <br />EMBUD Commercial Sewer Billing (21,150) <br />Total Decrease in Expenditures and <br />Increase to Projected Ending Fund Balance $ 985,638 <br />Page 3 <br />