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Certified Unified Program Agency <br />APSA Grant Agreement No. XX <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />REPORTING AND INVOICING PROVISIONS <br />A. REPORTING PROVISIONS <br />1. The Grantee shall prepare and submit APSA Program Implementation Status Reports, including invoices <br />for documentation of expenditures, and an inventory of aboveground storage tank (AST) facilities to the <br />Cal/EPA Grant Manager at the following address: <br />California Environmental Protection Agency <br />Unified Program Section <br />c/o John Paine, Staff Environmental Scientist <br />1001 "I" Street, 4'h Floor <br />Sacramento, California 95814 <br />Each report shall provide a brief description of all the actions taken and work activities performed during <br />the reporting period. As necessary, the report shall also include a description of any problems <br />encountered or potential issues identified that may affect the"ferms, conditions, provisioris; or <br />commitments contained under this Agreement. <br />Each report shall have a cover letter certified by the Project_Director or the Grant Contact. <br />4. For purposes of the APSA Program Implementation Status Reports, the re orting period is as follows: <br />a. 1S` Report = January;1,`2008, to Juhe 30, 2008 <br />b. 2"d Report = July 1, 2008, o December31, 2008 <br />c. 3`d Report - January 1,:2009,;to June 30,-2009 <br />d. Final Report = July, 1, 2009, to December 31, 2009 <br />5. Submission of the reports and invoices shall be in accordance with the following schedule: <br />a. 15t Report & Invoice Due-Date August 1, 2008 <br />b. 2"d Report & Invoice Due Dafe February 1, 2009 <br />c. 3~d Report & Invoice Due Date August 1, 2009 <br />d. Final Report & Invoice Due Date March 1, 2010 <br />6. For purposes of the.inventory of AST facilities, the Grantee shall submit a revision of the Cal/EPA list of <br />AST facilities for the CU~A's jurisdiction. The revision will serve to determine the final percentage share <br />for each CUPA for any funds remaining from the Environmental Protection Trust Fund. The Grantee shall <br />use the format provided _in the Cal/EPA list of AST facilities. <br />7. The Grantee shall submit the revised inventory of AST facilities to Cal/EPA no later than December 1, <br />2008. ` <br />B. INVOICING PROVISIONS <br />1. Invoices shall be' used to depict the expenditures incurred by the Grantee in implementation of the APSA <br />Program from January 1, 2008, through December 31, 2009. <br />2. The invoice shall include all APSA Program implementation expenditures (direct and indirect) incurred by <br />the Grantee during the reporting period. <br />3. The invoice shall be submitted as an attachment to the "Implementation Status Report," in accordance <br />with the submission schedule provided above. <br />4, The Grantee shall use the invoice template format provided by Cal/EPA <br />